edit: I'm framing this around the cop who got killed

like will police be less willing to let nazis and maga freaks do whatever they want because the police know they're targets now too, or will the police let them get away with everything now because they don't want to get beat to death with a fire extinguisher for getting in their way?

i know police have been cooperating with patriot prayer in Portland and proud boys in dc and in every other city where those groups show up. but if i was a cop and learned that a group I've helped and is full of cops killed another pig, or tried to crush one in a door, I'd probably be a lot more distrustful of them. i know a lot of cops get killed by "friendly fire" (which is hilarious) but this just looks and feels different to me. idk it's just something I've been thinking about

  • KobaCumTribute [she/her]
    4 years ago

    White supremacists are already a plurality of all cop killers and have been for a long time, but cops still pal around with neo-nazi militants all the same.

    The Feds might get a bit more aggressive with fascist militants now though, because they're functionally the dominant hegemonic power domestically and guard that status very jealously. The FBI will show up to terrorize and intimidate politicians themselves, and then turn around and hunt down fascist paramilitaries who try the same thing because that's their own racket and they don't like their pet militias overstepping their role as attack dogs. Same reason why they'll sometimes crack down on local cops: it's all about maintaining a hierarchy through violence and social class with them, and they can be just as vicious towards their own allies as they are towards the left if they feel that their system is being threatened in any way.