between this and putting up a confederate flag, she was one hell of a mayor

  • poppy_apocalypse [he/him, any]
    1 year ago

    I was 10 at the time he was on the loose. Scared the shit out of me. Rumor was he chose houses near freeways. I lived near a freeway. He picked yellow houses. I lived in a yellow house. He killed two people in my city, one within walking distance, and another a town over. At the time I had a paper route and for some reason my parents made me keep it. Ten year old riding around in the dark while there's a killer on the loose. Really fucked me up is that he killed that one person n San Francisco while I was visiting my grandparents in Santa Cruz. My dad told me the only cool thing the cops ever did was taking their time to rescue ramirez from the stomping he got in east LA