Was reading this post and was absolutely terrified. It's gonna be bad.

Take away is that current lock downs are basically useless against the new strain as it has mutated enough to be more transmissible thru/around mask. Vaccines are still likely to work, and its not more deadly (seems like), but just going to blow thru our preventive measures like nothing.

Reposting because the first post didn't get enough traction and I need people to commiserate with me. Pulled out the money shot image, because I know libs don't read .

  • star_wraith [he/him]
    4 years ago

    The Lord Jesus could be managing the distribution of PPE, and we still wouldn't be much better off, all because our dumbass federated system where every state, county, town, and hamlet is able to do their own thing. Along with a population that doesn't care and feels not being able to sit down at a restaurant is literal slavery.

    • Homestar440 [he/him]
      4 years ago

      I just read that Montanas new governor is gonna lift restrictions, says he wants to move away from public mandate to “personal responsibility”. :agony-consuming: