question for college educated people older than 25: if you had it to do over again, and you could go back to school and pursue a career in academia, what field or fields would you go into to have the greatest positive impact (from a Marxist’s point of view), which field would you choose? assuming you can start from the very beginning, i.e., get a new bachelors before moving into a masters and a phd

question for the zoomers: if you could study anything at university without having to worry about whether or not you could make a decent living afterwards, with a view to making the world less shit, what would you study and why?

long story short, my parents have come into some money and i may have this opportunity and i want to choose my field of study wisely. when i went to college at 18 i double majored in french (good choice bc i love languages and the humanities in general, and it expanded my worldview outside of amerikkka) and business (bad choice bc lmao) and i don’t want to make the same mistake again. currently i’m thinking history because a) i’ve always loved history, from literally as long as i can remember and b) history is a weapon and i want to use it to behead the capitalists. im also interested in international relations, but only from a based point of view

note that if i do go back to school, it will be somewhere in europe, bc fuck paying for a university education in america lol worst mistake of my life

basically what i’m saying is, from the ivory tower of academia i will rain hellfire on the upper class until they are utterly destroyed, or i will die trying. tell me what to study in order to accomplish this

Death to America

  • 2Password2Remember [he/him]
    1 year ago

    honestly a degree in communism would be lit. imagine the dunks I'd be able to do with a PhD in Marxism, my mere presence in a room would cause liberals to spontaneously combust

    serious response: I don't think being an academic can have that big of an impact either but it's probably going to be the best I can do given my talents and the way my life has turned out. like, becoming the millennial parenti would be as big of an impact as I could realistically make, because being the millennial Lenin is just not on the table for me. hopefully that makes sense

    Death to America