It seems like there's no way that Biden can make any negotiation with Russia seem like a win to his base so if he wins it's almost an automatic 4 more years of war. But if Trump wins he could make most of the concessions that Russia wants and still sell it as "the best deal" to his fans. Is a trump win the best hope for shortening war?

Disclaimer: I would never vote for trump, I also won't vote for Biden, I'm also in a state that always goes one way so it doesn't matter at all.

  • RedDawn [he/him]
    1 year ago

    We’ll see how events develop, but there’s no guarantee that this ends in strategic victory for the US at this point. It’s at least somewhat evident that the sanctions regime on Russia didn’t have the effect those implementing it hoped. Even some seasoned managers of empire like Kissinger have come out saying this whole thing was a big error strategically for the US.