Nothing against vegans btw, I'm cutting dowen on my meawt consumptwuon OWO. And yes, I am a leftist, yes, I eat meat, GET OVER IT. Not everyone is as PRIVILEGED as you vegans!

    • funkfresh [they/them]
      4 years ago

      Someone made this thread looking to start a struggle, you clicked on it to find a struggle, I'm just giving the people what they want

      • Good_Username [they/them,e/em/eir]
        4 years ago

        Nah, the thread was clearly a joke that I, as a vegan, enjoyed. Then the replies showed me that there are really carnists out here who will turn obvious sarcastic humor into struggle sessions. I clicked on it to laugh at people making fun of idiot carnists, but OP posted it in c/main instead of c/vegan for some reason (an accident maybe?) and now I'm stuck rolling my eyes at how edgy carnists are. "Hurr durr, every time a vegan talks I eat another steak." Yeah, like we've never heard that before.

        • funkfresh [they/them]
          4 years ago

          For the record, I actually am working on cutting meat out of my diet but threads like this are annoying and even saying that is an invitation to the morally superior vegans to tell me I'm a bad person for still putting honey in my tea. Also "carnist" is a really bad pejorative because it sounds bad ass

          • Good_Username [they/them,e/em/eir]
            4 years ago

            Are threads like this annoying because vegans tell you you're a bad person or because you on some level feel that eating meat is morally wrong and you hate it when vegans point it out to you.

            Also, I don't give a fuck about honey. Stop eating meat, dairy, and eggs, do what you like with honey.

            And carnist isn't a pejorative, it's a descriptor.

            • funkfresh [they/them]
              4 years ago

              No I don't think its morally wrong to eat meat at all, my project of being vegetarian (already quit dairy) is motivated by human sustainability and the moral issues I have with the currently existing meat industry. I can conceive of ethical meat consumption, but its not really ethically sustainable as a pillar of diet for 8 billion people, so it should probably just go. On an individual basis I don't see it as a problem.