i caught corona when my boyfriend's shithead boss went to a 100+ person chud thanksgiving and then had a mandatory in person meeting with every single person in my boyfriend's office. i had relatively minor symptoms. however my heart and lungs hurt enough to make me consider going to the hospital once during it, but it subsided after i burped a lot???? my heart and lungs seem to have went through some degree of atrophy and are now back in somewhat normal shape. i'll probably begin my normal exercise regimen at the end of the month after seeing a doc and making sure everythings good to go.

i did not have any sort of coughing, though i did sneeze a lot.

  • drink lots of gatorade, you get dehydrated fast while dealing with corona. i got migraines multiple times from dehydration even though i was chugging gatorades all day.

  • eat lots of protein. now i know some vegans might not like this, but meat seemed to make me feel better. eggs seemed to work pretty well, but chicken was better. i tried beans and other kinds of veggie protein, nada. this made my heart aches and lung aches way more bearable. i continue to eat a ton of eggs and it just made me feel better and better every day.

  • eat multivitamins. combine this with protein and youll feel almost normal.

  • keep your environment as clean as you can. that seemed to help me a bit, could have just been a placebo.

  • dont do physical labor or exercise, you will regret it. i was exercising before i knew i had it and i felt like i got thrown in a dumpster the next day, it was awful. took me days to start to feel normal there.

  • Tervell [he/him]
    3 years ago

    I got it in mid-November, also through someone I live with getting it at work. I was mostly fine - fever and a cough for a few days, and then it seemed to subside (although the doctor did prescribe us a bunch of stuff, the antivirals might have helped, and I had already started taking Vitamin D beforehand).

    But the weird thing is, a few weeks ago I started feeling my pulse in the left side of my head (mostly at night, and just generally when it's quiet and I'm not focusing on anything else). I also occasionally feel something kind of weird with my chest, but it's not actually pain, or tightness (although I haven't been able to figure out what "chest tenderness" is actually supposed to be, so maybe it's that), but I don't know if I'm actually feeling that something's off, or if it's just some kind of hypochondriac hyper-attentiveness and I'm simply noticing random muscle stuff that was going on before this.

    Really hoping this is just university-related stress and anxiety, and then me stressing out about it making me even more stressed. Developing heart problems in my early twenties would be kind of unfortunate.

    • bigboycumminthru [he/him]
      3 years ago

      I'm not an expert but as someone who's dealt with health anxiety a lot in the past, what you're describing sounds really familiar. I wouldn't worry about it being covid related. Mindfulness and better awareness of my body help with the racing thoughts a lot.