New preamble:

Palestinian resistance groups have launched an operation in and around Gaza to fight the genocidal settler state oppressing them. Thousands of rockets have been launched towards the so-called state of Israel, overwhelming the Iron Dome. Settlers and the troops protecting them are being killed in the settlements surrounding Gaza, with many caught by surprise in the first few hours of the operation.

Palestinians are taking many Israeli settlers and soldiers hostage and bringing them back to Gaza. An Israeli general, Nimrod Aloni, has been confirmed captured. Palestinians are also taking military and civilian equipment back. Drones and MANPADS appear to be in use, and a number of Merkava tanks have been destroyed/disabled and their occupants removed and taken hostage. Palestinian forces appear to be heading in two main directions so far: southeast in the direction of Be'er Sheva, and along the coast in the direction of Ashkelon, but settlements all around Gaza have been assaulted and taken. It is obviously unknown how far they intend to go, or what their intermediate goals are.

Israel is bombing the Gaza Strip with aircraft, destroying buildings. It appears that their intelligence on the location of Palestinian forces outside of Gaza is very poor, and haven't been able to meaningfully strike them. Netanyahu has given a statement declaring that Israel is in a state of war. Iran has issued statements in support of the uprising, and Israel has responded with hostility to those comments. In all, the IDF appears to still be in a shockingly bad state hours after the assault began.

Old preamble on Antarctica:


Much of the information for this news post, including both the images in the preamble, came from this article at the National Snow and Ice Data Center, which has been circulating in the media lately.

Image has been taken from this article.

Antarctica has had a uniquely bad year.

While the sea ice extent in the last 50 years or so has been very gradually declining, it has done so very slowly on average - by 0.1% per decade. This began to change in 2016:


Even so, this year is different, showing a remarkable decrease in the maximum sea ice extent. It is unconfirmed (I think) but this year may be the first in which the maximum extent fails to reach 17 million square kilometers - and is more than one million square kilometers lower than the previous record low maximum in 1986.


The fall in sea ice has been linked by some researchers to warming in the uppermost ocean layer caused by lateral and upward mixing of warmer water. The ocean is a gigantic heat sink, and has been absorbing much of the excess heat that humanity has generated via the greenhouse effect. But put enough heat into a heat sink and it will eventually fill up.

These changes in sea ice extent is no mere abstract climate worry or scientific curiosity. It is having a direct, catastrophic impact on the Antarctic's ecosystem. Emperor penguin colonies have had trouble breeding, so much so that:

...there is high probability that no chicks had survived last year in four of the five known emperor penguin colonies in the central and eastern Bellingshausen Sea. This was because the sea ice had melted well before chicks would have developed waterproof feathers. ... Today's report says about one-third of the 62 known emperor penguin colonies in Antarctica were affected by partial or total sea ice loss between 2018 and 2022.

And, last year, scientists conducted a study on the two plants that are able to grow near Antarctica, looking at a single Antarctic island for simplicity, and found that the populations of these plants had exploded in the last decade - growing as much in the last decade as they had in the last 50 years - due to rising air temperatures. It was warm enough for the scientists to wear shorts and remove their shirts.

The Country of the Week is Syria! Feel free to chime in with books, essays, longform articles, even stories and anecdotes or rants. More detail here.

Here is the map of the Ukraine conflict, courtesy of Wikipedia.

The weekly update is here!

Links and Stuff

The bulletins site is down.

Examples of Ukrainian Nazis and fascists

Examples of racism/euro-centrism during the Russia-Ukraine conflict

Add to the above list if you can.

Resources For Understanding The War

Defense Politics Asia's youtube channel and their map. Their youtube channel has substantially diminished in quality but the map is still useful.

Moon of Alabama, which tends to have interesting analysis. Avoid the comment section.

Understanding War and the Saker: reactionary sources that have occasional insights on the war.

Alexander Mercouris, who does daily videos on the conflict. While he is a reactionary and surrounds himself with likeminded people, his daily update videos are relatively brainworm-free and good if you don't want to follow Russian telegram channels to get news. He also co-hosts The Duran, which is more explicitly conservative, racist, sexist, transphobic, anti-communist, etc when guests are invited on, but is just about tolerable when it's just the two of them if you want a little more analysis.

On the ground: Patrick Lancaster, an independent and very good journalist reporting in the warzone on the separatists' side.

Unedited videos of Russian/Ukrainian press conferences and speeches.

Telegram Channels

Again, CW for anti-LGBT and racist, sexist, etc speech, as well as combat footage.

Pro-Russian ~ DPR's former Defense Minister and Colonel in the DPR's forces. Russian language. ~ A few different pro-Russian people gather frequent content for this channel (~100 posts per day), some socialist, but all socially reactionary. If you can only tolerate using one Russian telegram channel, I would recommend this one. ~ Does daily update posts. ~ Patrick Lancaster's telegram channel. ~ A big Russian commentator. ~ One of, if not the, biggest Russian telegram channels focussing on the war out there. Actually quite balanced, maybe even pessimistic about Russia. Produces interesting and useful maps. ~ Russian language. ~ Russian language. ~ Russian Ministry of Defense. Does daily, if rather bland updates on the number of Ukrainians killed, etc. The figures appear to be approximately accurate; if you want, reduce all numbers by 25% as a 'propaganda tax', if you don't believe them. Does not cover everything, for obvious reasons, and virtually never details Russian losses. ~ Pro-Russian, documents abuses that Ukraine commits.


Almost every Western media outlet. ~ Pro-Ukrainian OSINT Discord. ~ Alleged Ukrainian account with a rather cynical take on the entire thing.

Last week's discussion post.

  • SeventyTwoTrillion [he/him]
    1 year ago

    Part 4


    Sri Lanka fails to reach agreement to unlock next IMF bailout tranche.FT

    In Vietnam, a climate activist has been sentenced to 3 years in prison for tax fraud.[DW](Climate activist sentenced to 3 years in prison)


    Africa’s Sahel is undergoing a second decolonisation as nations overthrow neo-colonial rule

    Algeria and Morocco fought in the UN over the Western Sahara, with Algeria claling for a referendum on the fate of the territory.AN

    Dozens have been killed in Benin when a warehouse for smuggled fuel exploded (Benin's informal economy relies on smuggled Nigerian fuel).DW

    Botswana has launched community clinics on wheels that will offer HIV testing and other health services.TS

    Burkina Faso's anti-France government has foiled an attempted coup; people gathered in the streets in support of the current leaders.AN Is Burkina Faso edging closer to the Wagner mercenaries? Burkina Faso suspends French media "Jeune Afrique" magazine.AN Traore has said that security is a greater priority to elections, which sounds fairly reasonable given all the coups.AN

    The former Prime Minister of Burundi is in court, accused of undermining national security and insulting the President.AN

    The president of the Congo, President Nguesso, is strengthening ties with China.TS

    The DRC's state-owned cobalt company may be revving into action after a long period of inactivity.AN The DRC wants to become one of the world's largest battery producers in 2030 or 2040, and also wants to make electric vehicles, and so will require a shitload of infrastructure and funding as right now it basically just exports cobalt to other countries to make batteries out of.DW

    The Egyptian government has announced that presidential elections will be held in December and the results will be announced in mid-January.AN In the meantime, dozens of people are being detained in a crackdown.MEE Egypt and Iran have agreed to revive a joint bank after a decade.BNE Egypt has signed a currency swap agreement with the UAE.TS The new US Senate Foreign Relations chair is planning to block some military aid to Egypt until it improves its human rights.MEE

    Eswatini is having parliamentary elections; the country is an absolute monarchy with no political parties, and where the Prime Minister, Cabinet, and judges are appointed by King Mswati III, and the politicians being voted on are all loyal to the king.AN

    The US has suspended aid to Gabon as they review the situation.AN Gabon's new prime minister has outlined plans for a "national dialogue" which would pave the way for drawing a new constitution.AN The curfew in Gabon has been relaxed slightly.AN Residents of Gabon haven't seen visible improvements yet post-coup, but some are confident that things will improve in the coming months or at least are willing to wait and see.AN

    There have been protests in Ghana over the cost of living crisis and their leaders's moral decay; weirdly enough, Ghana is also the African country most indebted to the IMF.AN

    Kenya and the US have signed a defense agreement ahead of a potential deployment of 1000 security officers to Haiti to combat gang violence (after everybody else awkwardly shuffled and averted their eyes when asked by the US if they wanted to send cops there).AN The Communist Party of Kenya have condemned this.HL Construction on a 1000 MW nuclear power plant will begin in 2027.BNE Kenya's Chinese-built expressway nominated for regional award.PD Kenya has given the WHO a patch of land for the establishment of a regional public health emergency response center.TS

    Liberia is siding with China on the One China Policy, which is an interesting stance as President Weah usually sides with the West on issues like Xinjiang.CGS

    Authorities in eastern Libya have announced the creation of a fund for the reconstruction of Derna.AN 8 officials have been arrested for their role in the flood disaster.AN Media completely ignores NATO war role in Libya chaos, notably by the Quincy Institute. Libya and Italy are discussing ties and cooperation,TS and flights have resumed between them after 10 years.AN Marshal Haftar, who rules eastern Libya, met with Putin in Moscow - which is kind of fascinating as this guy is one of the most CIAest CIAers to have ever CIAed.AN

    The Malian government has postponed the presidential vote in early 2024 that was supposed to bring back civilian rule, with new dates to be announced later; parties in Mali are obviously upset.AN The Wagner group swears that the Soviet-era plane that crashed a week ago had nothing to do with them.AN

    Chinese battery groups invest in Morocco to serve western markets.FT Climate change is threatening argan forests, the source of argan oil, a substance used in the beauty industry, which has been a big source of money for the country and the women farmers who harvest it.MEE

    Namibia has suspended imports of South African chickens due to avian flu outbreaks.AN Chinese-invested uranium mine in Namibia makes progress toward environmental sustainability.PD

    Niger has said that they are awaiting official acts by France after Macron announced that French troops will withdraw from the country by the end of the year.AN

    Nigeria's light rail project will be completed in eight months by their Chinese contractor.CGS President Tinubu has offered a temporary minimum wage hike for lower-paid workers, as well as promises for cheaper public transport and more social security, two days before major unions are due to begin an indefinite strike in protest against the cost of living.AN

    A suicide bomber has killed dozens in Somalia.AN

    South Africa's Foreign Minister went to Washington to meet Blinken for discussions and stuff.AN South Africa has launched a new HIV prevention method: a vaginal ring that diffuses an antiretroviral drug.AN

    Putin held talks with the leader of South Sudan, President Kiir.CGTN

    The Sudanese date industry (the country is 7th in the world for date production and it makes up 40% of their GDP and 80% of their labor force) has been hit hard by the war, with farmers unable to access financing.AN The obvious solution is for the United States to put more sanctions on Sudan, as that has done a remarkable job so far of ending conflicts.CGTN

    Tanzania has exterminated five million birds, Quelea Quelea, to protect rice fields.AN

    Uganda is in talks with the World Bank to reverse their loan freeze that the World Bank enacted when the government launched its harsh anti-LGBTQIA+ law.BNE

    Chinese telecoms company ZTE is going to build a smartphone factory in Zambia.BNE

    Zimbabwe is officially the riskiest country in Africa to do business in, with Ethiopia, the DRC, Cameroon, and Uganda also quite risky.BNE

    • SeventyTwoTrillion [he/him]
      1 year ago

      Part 5


      North America:

      Ding, dong the efficiencies defence is dead, an article on the Canadian Competition Act. More gravesites have been found near a former residential school.TS Meanwhile, the Trans Mountain Oil Pipeline in British Columbia is running into ever more problems and First Nations groups are coming out strongly against it.MR Northvolt, a major European battery manufacturer, is building its first factory outside of the EU, in Canada (and its fourth factory overall).FT

      Canada got their spat with India out of the news by then having their parliament plus Zelensky give a standing ovation to a Waffen-SS member, the volunteer militia of the Nazi party, though this is just one small look into Canada's extremely fascist-friendly history.GZ Trudeau has done the very sensible step of simply blaming it all on Russia, while Poland is taking advantage of the event by saying they want the Nazi extradited (this won't actually happen).PW The speaker, Rota, who introduced the Nazi, has resigned.EN Canada’s top general won’t apologize for applauding the Nazi.GZ Kremlin Spokesman Peskov has called the whole thing "outrageous".TS Apparently this Nazi was allowed to settle and work in the UK after WW2, and was part of the Association of Ukrainians in Great Britain, and then emigrated to Canada in 1954.PW The University of Alberta has shut down an endowment fund named after Hunka.RT How Thousands of Ukrainian Nazis Were Smuggled Into Canada after WW2. The concidences behind Canada's Nazi-honoring debacle are deeply unsettling.Jacobin This article is on the two case studies of Hunka and Freeland's grandfather.

      Articles on the FTC case against Amazon, which I can't imagine will result in anything meaningful.

      Dianne Feinstein is now dead, although "alive" might be too generous a word for what she's been for the last couple years.WSWS Dianne Feinstein helped lead the Democratic party's neoliberal turn.Jacobin

      A US steel company is developing a 500 MW nuclear fusion plant to power their production, via a company with the backing of the CEO of OpenAI, and two Facebook co-founders.BNE Microsoft also wants to use nuclear power to power their facilities.BNE The TSMC chip fabrication site in Arizona having trouble and delays (side-note: the article contains the lovely line "And while TSMC does not share Biden’s love for unions", lol).SCMP There has been record growth in the energy storage sector, but few are celebrating as growth is still extremely limited.ICN

      Thousands of water utilities across the Great Lakes region and nationwide will decide in the next three months whether to join two multibillion-dollar, class-action settlements against the largest producers of toxic PFAS chemicals that have tainted drinking water supplies.CoB The Sunrise Movement has launched it Green New Deal for Schools Campaign in 50 highschools.CD Why Medical Debt Forgiveness Drives Are Not Enough Universities axe diversity statements in wake of US Supreme Court ruling on affirmative action.Nature Poverty in Puerto Rico has risen to the point where over half of all children live in poor households.GPE Maui's indigneous community is fighting landgrabs by capitalists after the wildfires.MEE US home insurers are leaving climate risk areas.OD The US leads the World in solitary confinement, which destroys prisoners' mental health.MR US public schools are seeing significant enrollment drops; NYC lost more than 100,000 students since the pandemic hit.PD In Washington State, activists fight to save Elwha River watershed from clear-cut logging. Californian lawmakers want to suspend gas tax as gas prices surge.PD A month of rain fell on New York City in a day, causing widespread flooding.DW An article on NYC's food waste problem, and America's problem more broadly.ICN An article on Oregon Senate Bill 85, which places a moratorium on factory farms' ability to use unlimited amounts of groundwater, which was the product of years of organizing.SP

      The US government has announced that 472,000 Venezuelan refugees and asylum-seekers will be eligible for legal immigration status and work permits. An attacker threw Molotov cocktails at the Cuban embassy in Washington DC, with no injuries or damage.PW China is not in fact buying up American farmland for nefarious purposes; in fact, no foreign countries really are.SCMP We've gotta expand the immigrant DNA database, which takes DNA from everybody in immigrant detention and has the DNA of 21 million people, says the FBI.SP US House Republicans have opened the first impeachment inquiry hearing against Biden.CGTN And we're doing the fucking government shutdown thing again. Can we just skip to the part where Biden gives the Republicans everything they want, rather than going through days and days of shitty media coverage?FT The Hypocritical, Phony Outrage About Chinese Spying The FCC is coming back.FAIR

      Latin America:

      Avian flu has reached the Galapagos islands.Science

      The president of Paraguay has said that he will halt the Mercosur-EU talks if there is no deal by December.Bilaterals Vietnam wants a trade deal with Mercosur.Bilaterals New container line linking EU main ports with Brazil, Uruguay and Argentina.MP Back to Business As Usual: The US Is Once Again Vigorously Stirring the Pot in Its Own “Backyard”

      The Economy Minister has proposed to scrap income tax for all but a fraction of registered voters as the ruling government tries to generate some popularity ahead of the election in October where the weird libertarian guy who wants to destroy the economy to save it might win.FT The Senate has greenlit the reform.MP The black market is once again rising.MP Argentina can probably join the New Development Bank.TS Argentina wants to create a national park on the Falklands.TS The UK and US support the sovereignty of the British Falklands, but Spaniards, Germans, and Italians favor Argentina's claim.MP

      Evo Morales has announced his bid for the presidency of Bolivia, which he held prior to the right-wing US-backed coup (and the counter-coup in which his party was reinstated by Luis Arce took his place). Arce has called Morales the "king of cocaine".MP

      Brazil's government is proposing using money from the Amazon Fund, a way for countries to invest in the Amazon, to pay for a road going through the AmazonEcologist to connect Manaus and Porto Velho.CCN

      Chile’s Communists elect a new leader, Barbara Figueroa, who was formerly the ambassador to Argentina.PW

      Colombia's Petro is going to China to meet with Xi, to discuss the future of Bogota's subway which is currently being handlded by a Chinese consortium.TS

      Costa Rica is planning on declaring a state of emergencyMP due to a wave of migrants going to the US.DW

      Abortion in Cuba and the Attacks against It

      Violence has become so bad in Ecuador that schools are returning to online schooling so that children are less at risk of being shot.MP

      El Salvador's Bukele has now rounded up and imprisoned 70,000 people in the name of stopping crime, which has caused his approval to skyrocket while the families of the incarcerated express concern over the suspended civil liberties.RNN

      An article on Guyana, which recently found its fortune in the oil industry to become the Norway of South America - and whose leaders are becoming nervous that the bonanza may be truncated by oil phaseout plans (he shouldn't worry, the West is a bunch of deeply unserious puppets of the fossil fuel industry).MP

      Mexico's AMLO has said that elections in the US are a contest to see who says the most atrocities and who is the most brazen in threatening Mexico; no lies detected.PD

      • SeventyTwoTrillion [he/him]
        1 year ago

        Part 6


        Nicaraguan court hands down prison sentences to two women opposing Ortega.MP

        A report by a US embassy in Paraguay discusses trying to influence President Pena to curb China's increasing presence in the country.SCMP Paraguay and the US have extended an agricultural trade deal until 2025.MP

        An article on Trinidad and Tobago, the largest producer of oil and natural gas in the Caribbean.TS The European Commission has proposed classifying them as a non-cooperative country in the fight against illegal fishing.TS

        Venezuela has evicted over 14,000 illegal miners from Yapacana Park.TS The Venezuelan Amazon reforestation plan has begun.TS Maduro has met with the Qatar Foreign Minister to cooperate on stuff.TS Venezuela and Guyana are fighting over their disputed territory again.TS


        How America Hides the Human Toll of its Forever Wars
        Avoiding the War on Terror Would Have Saved Over 10 Million Lives at Home and Abroad
        Seymour Hersh: A Year of Lying About Nord Stream
        A book by Sam Roggeveen of the Lowy Institute, "The Echidna Strategy: Australia's Search for Power and Peace", which argues that Australia doesn't need submarines and military ties with America and instead proposes aggressive diplomacy and the creation of defenses to turn the continent into a spiky echidna (like the West is trying to do with Taiwan).RS

        Chinese commentators are obviously rather dismissive of the US's recent rhetoric in the PacificCGS, going over the countries' colonial legacies.CGTN China, Japan, and South Korea have agreed to revive their summit at the "earliest convenient time".SCMP Taiwan has unveiled its first domestically manufactured submarine.DW The PLA conducted ground exercises on their side of the Taiwan Strait.GT The US has recognized two Pacific nations, the Cook Islands and Niue, to counter China.DW The Prime Minister of the Solomon Islands has called on the US to show more respect to Pacific leaders.PD China and the Philippines had an incident in the South China Sea to do with a barrier being removedSCMP or something, I don't fucking know.CGS China has sent its security chief to Germany for talks.SCMP Turns out that Western companies are rather reluctant to actually start decou--derisking from China.FT

        The Czech government wants to buy 24 F-35s from the US.CGTN the US is to loan Poland $2 billion for military modernization.DW The Marshall Plan: first as tragedy, then as farce. An NPR report on how depleted uranium really isn't that bad is, uh, wrong.FAIR Gaetz tried to rally up support to ban sending cluster munitions to Ukraine once again, and once again failed by 160-269 (with, notably, 26 more Democrats than last time).RS Most Americans probably don't actually care about Ukraine either positively or negatively, let alone follow the conflict, and polls that suggest otherwise have obvious problems.FAIR Finland is making quiet deals with landowners to enable the military to build barriers on its border with Russia.RT

        Russia claims to have destroyed a German-crewed Leopard tank, whose occupants claimed to be from the Bundeswehr.CGTN Russia has sunk to a new low in its disinformation campaign by bringing back a commander from the dead that Ukraine truthfully said that it killed.DW Russia launched another wave of drone strikes.DW It's really funny at this point because the media writes like 30 articles whenever a Ukrainian drone manages to crashland into a fucking cabbage field in Crimea on its way to a depot that it would have mildly damaged anyway, but entire drone strike raids by Russia are covered by a few mainstream sites maximum, so you get this weird impression that Ukraine is somehow doing better than Russia in hitting key targets even though Russia has such a massive advantage that you may as well be comparing a pinprick to being stabbed by a broadsword. The IAEA has told Russia to leave the ZNPP, in a truly catastrophic blow for Putler.DW Putin met with one of the most senior former commanders of Wagner, Troshev, to discuss how best to use volunteer units in the Ukraine war.Euractiv

        An article on how NATO can't make negotiations with Russia. Not "there's no willingness or trust", but almost literally cannot. NATO doesn't really have the ability to enter into treaties because of its structure. Any negotiations will be between the US and Russia directly.NC Russia has formally withdrawn from the Barents Euro-Arctic Council, as Western members paralyzed the institution in the wake of the war in Ukraine.RS The American empire asks us to simultaneously believe that the war was completely unprovoked and that the war, just by pure coincidence, advances the strategic interests of the US.SP


        Biden’s Picket Line Visit Doesn’t Mean He Is On Our Side

        The Writer's Guild of America has reached a tentative deal with studios after five months of striking.DW After a five day strike, Inghams Chickens’ workers win better pay and conditions.GL

        Canadian autoworkers ratify deal with Ford.GL Workers internationally are standing with US autoworkers.MR 7000 autoworkers at two more assembly plants walked off the job on Friday.LN The first tire plant workers to organize in 40 years have won a contract.LN Las Vegas-area hospitality workers vote by 95 percent to strike casinos at mass rally.WSWS Workers at Ontario, California Amazon facility to vote on joining Amazon Labor Union.WSWS French unions hold nationwide protest against police violence, with 80,000 people taking part.WSWS Thousands protest in Germany against the crisis in education, calling for substantial improvements.WSWS University and College Union (UCU) members at just 42 UK universities, less than a third of universities nationally, began another round of strikes Monday for five days over pay and conditions.WSWS 1,700 nurses have been on strike for eight weeks at the Robert Wood Johnson hospital complex in New Brunswick, New Jersey.PW Food delivery workers in New York City must be paid at least $18 per hour, Acting Supreme Court Justice Nicholas Moyne ruled on Thursday.RT New York City school bus workers form rank-and-file committee.WSWS Sri Lanka workers begin sit-in strike at government-owned company to defend jobs.WSWS

        Under new contract, former UPS air drivers in Northern Virginia working in record heat for nearly 50 percent less pay.WSWS The NYT has platformed one of the largest union-busting firms in the country.FAIR Scabs have been deployed at GM parts distribution centers.LN Quebec unions plot betrayal of contract struggle of 650,000 public sector workers.WSWS

        Left and Right:

        Germany bans neo-Nazi group Artgemeinschaft for indoctrination of children.DW Police Seek a Radio Silence That Would Mute Critics in the Press

        I Was the Only US Official Imprisoned Over the Torture Program — Because I Opposed It

        Jacobin interviews Jeremy Corbyn, where he compliments Chris Smalls, talks about Thatcher and her legacy, the impact of unions and why he believes them to be the future, how the Green Industrial Revolution should be pro-worker rather than guilt-tripping people, and why the Left should be for negotiations and peace in the conflict in Ukraine (even if they hate Russia).Jacobin^ Jacobin also talks about the lessons of Orban crushing the Left; somebody with more knowledge can dunk on it if they want (or perhaps Jacobin has achieved a rare W).Jacobin

        A piece on the Israeli Communist Party.RNN

        Sánchez asks EU socialists to follow ‘Spanish example’ to stop far-right in June 2024.Euractiv

        All Black feminisms ain’t created equal
        Decolonising development with Frantz Fanon
        There Is No Middle Class