If you are fortunate, the next four years will be stable. You must educate, organize programs to better material conditions, and bring the proletariat into the left.

Do not betray yourself with “doomer” thoughts, these are a form of liberalism and must be routed out. Despair only perpetuates itself and it is hollow.

You have a feckless neoliberal now in office. Biden will fixate on enriching his donors and once again take his eyes away from the working class. He will expose bourgeoisie electoralism as a fraud incapable of delivering true improvements to the material conditions of the working class.

Do not waste these next years. The left in America has not had this opportunity in almost a hundred years. Seize this moment!

You cannot wait for some ahistorical great man to deliver a new world to you. Those figures only appear so great looking backwards, they reflect the workers they emerged from. All of us have fought alongside stronger comrades than them.

Comrades, this is the calm before climate change crashes down upon you. Unite as leftists and as socialists. Discard your privilege, your chains, your false pride. Seize liberation for all who are oppressed. Build your revolution.


    • Spinoza [any]
      4 years ago

      don't fully agree with everything, but that's a solid perspective. my point on seattle is that occupy was bigger as a result, and hopefully the next big thing is even bigger (i think 2020 was an okay start). also sanders and squad need to fail in order to send even more libs down the tube.

      i agree with your optimism at the end. contrary to superpol, i think intersectional struggles can help bring libs into the class struggle