I'm getting divorced and have a substantial disability pension. She's keeping the house and I'm basicly starting over. Right now I'm thinking about getting an RV an just living it traveling the country(US/Canada), my other thought is to move to central America or Puerto Rico (I'm half Puerto Rican but I've never been there) and enjoying the tropical life till the sea level rises enough to make them unihabitable.
So pitch me your ideas, what would you do if you had this degree of freedom?
This & buy a few books on wildlife & rocks. Go to the southwest & just fucking camp somewhere for a while at a time. Cool enough in the summer to not suffer if you're on the Colorado Plateau, warm enough in winter to get to a town or be just fine if you get off the plateau.
If you do find neat fossils let a university or museum know though.
If you're going to go full off the map I'd switch a/t to m/t. Cooper stt pro or stt max have insane puncher resistant.