From the recent Bad Faith podcast. Gonna read up on them. Seems like a decent first step towards full communism, with the added benefit of I don't think people have an immune response to the term.

"Democratize the workforce" is pretty close to "seize the means of production". I'll take it, for now.

  • Sushi_Desires
    3 years ago

    Yes though there are two criticisms I can come up with off the top of my head:

    1. They are good overall, but have the problem that even with 100% worker coops, this would not necessarily eliminate the profit motive from work and therefore society. This is difficult to reconcile as a communist, and so it should (if it is even possible to get there from here) likely be viewed as a transitional period to full communism.

    2. Some may believe that, if people become economically more comfortable, they may lose the taste for full communism. I suppose some may logically view it is an impediment to revolution for this reason (I am guessing here).

    Overall I would love to work at an effective coop and I am a huge Wolff fan also.