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  • RandyLahey [he/him]
    3 years ago

    Assuming from what you wrote that you're in NZ, and assuming that the NZ situation is pretty analogous to the Australian one like I think it is from what I've seen, there are worse ways to go than into the public health system. Like there's a lot of bureaucratic BS and politics and people who live to make your life as difficult as possible, but that's the same anywhere. And obviously the politicians etc have no interest in anything beyond photo ops and dodging the blame for any hospital fuckups, and there's never any fucking money, but in my experience most of the clinical people at the pointy end really do primarily do it because they actually give a shit about their patients (and the ones who are just in it for the money fuck off to the private). So yeah there's soul destroying bits but overall the whole system wobbles gracelessly towards actually making a difference for sick people rather than just lining some rich fuck's pockets. The actual patient facing stuff is particularly rewarding, but there's plenty of useful shit you can do behind the scenes too. And honestly the pay is decent, the job security and leave allowances etc are good, and there's a pretty strong 8-to-4 culture generally. I reckon there's plenty of possibilities for someone with a legal background, especially if you know computers cos holy fuck are so many people in the system terrible with computers.

      • RandyLahey [he/him]
        3 years ago

        I'm still trying to get used to leaving on time without the shitty part of my brain trying to make me feel guilty for not staying late, but it helps that everyone else just walks out en masse right on the dot