War is peace
Freedom is slavery
Ignorance is strength
Chapo is extremely easy to spam without downvotes. A couple dozen votes puts you firmly on the front page.
Saw this on donald.win when it was still around. Fuck outta here.
This is so Orwellian. This is the sort of stuff George Orwell would write about. Specifically, this reminds me of the George Orwell novel '1984'. This is so Orwellian.
Organize a raid on the donald to dislike all white house videos. Preemptively make a screenshot because you know they're going to remove raided/botted votes. Post it on chapo.chat?
Joined 15h ago. 'blacks rule' tier username. Unimportant thing to feign outrage over. Quoting Orwell. Yeah It smell like pork in here.
Eh, most of those were probably bots by the trumpers. They made a big stink about it.