So, I have autism and also very bad social anxiety, so I don't have a massive amount of social interactions, so it is easy for me to remember pretty much all of them. This also means that I spend way too much time obsessing over any significant interactions I have, particularly negative ones, which then just make me feel more upset and anxious than I was at the time and sometimes leads to a breakdown. I am also completely unable to deal with conflict

For whatever reason this website, unlike the original subreddit is way more invested in dunking on each other imo. This site has a very hostile atmosphere where it feels like everyone is constantly at each others throats and it makes me just not want to come here at all.

I also want to take exception to some of the recent posts by @TransComrade69 about the Beyond Pink or Blue book, particularly the part in the original post about it only being like 170 pages, so you could read it in like 3 days, so if you don't, it is reactionary. No, one of the symptoms of autism is executive function issues, which I suffer from quite significantly. I could read that book, but it would require me using a lot of energy and necessetitate me neglecting other parts of my life. I struggle hard enough to read books necessary for classes, if I were to try and read that book, it would take months, if not over a year for me to complete it. So, while I understand why @TransComrade69 wants people to read the book and is pushing it, as I am sure there is lots of valuable information within it, I do not at all appreciate the tone that was taken in parts of the original post.

Anyway, I've deleted this account twice already, and I'm doing it for the 3rd and probably final time after this. Social media in general is bad for a lot of these things, but this site kind of takes it to another level.

  • PM_ME_YOUR_FOUCAULTS [he/him, they/them]
    3 years ago

    Were you unaware that some of our comrades literally created an audiobook of Trans Liberation to make it easier for people to access?

    This is not Das Capital. It is a series of short speeches and interviews that could be listened to piecemeal. You could have listened to a single section while washing the dishes and shown support for our trans comrades and been able to contribute to the conversation. You could have just said nothing and nobody would have called you out for it or for not reading it. There's really no reason to show your whole ass like this.

      • PM_ME_YOUR_FOUCAULTS [he/him, they/them]
        3 years ago

        I didn't know it was the neurodiverse comm when I initially posted. But to be honest I felt like it was part and parcel of the pushback against efforts to make this site less transphobic and it upset me that our trans comrades actually created an audiobook so that more people could access this book only to have OP complain about how unfair it is to be asked to read something

        • QuillQuote [they/them]
          3 years ago

          Do not tell others when it is and isn't okay to feel upset. If OP is being honest, which I see no real reason to doubt, they likely experience being shit on and told off for not being able to do stuff "that's super easy" and everyone else can do. We're constantly aware of this, and afraid of being told to fuck off because we can't keep up with what is expected.

          So yeah, seeing a post like that with a tone like that, however valid and acceptable it may be for what it actually is if TC69 is being honest, which again I have no reason to doubt, can still be painful

          So to get MAD at that person for feeling hurt and upset because something they're afraid of is in some capacity happening, and to post their feelings about it to a support community because they're in need of support

          You need to log the fuck off for a while

          • PM_ME_YOUR_FOUCAULTS [he/him, they/them]
            3 years ago

            I didn't say anything about OP's response to the tone of TC69's post, nor will I. I responded to what was factually incorrect in the OP's post. It's misleading to others to imply that because someone has difficulty reading that they would be unable to access the text

          • PM_ME_YOUR_FOUCAULTS [he/him, they/them]
            3 years ago

            That's fair. To be honest I probably would have moderated my tone more if I had realized. The comments I have received, other than yours, have been about the tone of my post moreso than it's content. And OK, I could have expressed what I had to say in a nicer way, but I have a hard time taking criticism if it's not going to engage with the actual substance of what I had to say.

        • Staines [he/him, they/them]
          3 years ago

          This is part and parcel of the efforts to make neurodiverse people feel unwelcome on this site.

          "bullying works" Nice lets bully all the other marginalized groups.

    • 11000 [none/use name]
      3 years ago

      It's really not cool to tell a ND person what they are and aren't capable of. I could not listen to something new while doing the dishes it would drive me up the wall tryingto concerntrate on two things at once and I am not alone. Sure listening is easier then reading but you still have to pay attention and that can be a real struggle for some people.

    • mangrai [comrade/them]
      3 years ago

      You can't be like "bullying works, I'm gonna bully people on this site into doing what I want" and then turn around and say IN /C/NEURODIVERGENT that there's no reason for people to be upset.


      "I have a medical issue where being yelled at makes me incapable of functioning"


      This site is ridiculous.

      • PM_ME_YOUR_FOUCAULTS [he/him, they/them]
        3 years ago

        You can’t be like “bullying works, I’m gonna bully people on this site into doing what I want” and then turn around and say IN /C/NEURODIVERGENT that there’s no reason for people to be upset.

        Good thing I didn't say either of those things

        • mangrai [comrade/them]
          3 years ago

          You absolutely said that. "Bullying works" has been the motto of this community for years and every megathread about this stuff is EXTREMELY confrontational.

          Please leave this comm

            • mangrai [comrade/them]
              3 years ago

              "Bullying works" is the slogan of this website and I'm quite sure is literally quoted in those megathreads. By promoting them you are agreeing that "bullying works".

              There’s really no reason to show your whole ass like this.

              This means "there's no reason to be upset".

              So debatebroism is fine when it's against neurodivergent people? Fuck you dipshit.

              • PM_ME_YOUR_FOUCAULTS [he/him, they/them]
                3 years ago

                “Bullying works” is the slogan of this website and I’m quite sure is literally quoted in those megathreads. By promoting them you are agreeing that “bullying works”.

                Okay so something other people, not me said.

                This means “there’s no reason to be upset”.

                Showing your whole ass means to go out of your way to show that you are wrong, referring to the fact that our trans comrades specifically went out of their way to make the book accessible to people who may have trouble reading it.

                Debate broism is apparently when someone points out that someone else is demonstrably incorrect

                • mangrai [comrade/them]
                  3 years ago

                  Honestly the most insidious thing about this site is the gaslighting. Fuck off, seriously.

    • Notaroboticfish [any]
      3 years ago

      I was not aware of that, but it makes no difference anyway. If I listen to it whilst doing other things, it is just noise and I can't take any of the information in. I may as well just play music because in that situation it would educate me just as much. I need to put all my attention towards a book to take it in, and at that point it doesn't matter if it's a written book or audiobook. In fact, written is probably better as I can go back and reread things when I want to