In short: By the time a person is 18, they must effectively be able to communicate and understand conversationally in 2 languages and casually use them in daily life..., if not become completely fluent...

Other than that, any language goes (whether it is a locally-known one, or a popular one worldwide),

The only thing I hope to gain from this, is to rid the world of /Monolingual Betas/

Seriously though, has this been a policy before? Because I haven't heard of such one...

I think this can especially be used for citizenship...

Edit: I don't necessarily have any other presupposed requirements besides bilingualism, though we may have certain notions of such in this main goal

Edit II: In furthering this venture, I have realized that my liberalism may slightly poisoned my lens....

And for clarification...

Minimum dual language system:

Main national language + other language (likely another related language, but foreign ones are fine)

  • FunkyStuff [he/him]
    9 months ago

    Counterpoint: Like 80% of bilinguals in Latin America (myself included) have American culture brainrot as a result of being able to go on anglo internet.

    Synthesis: Mandatory bilingual policy, the English language is officially forbidden.

    • Lemmygradwontallowme [he/him, comrade/them]
      9 months ago

      But if you can understand the enemy, you can understand how to get into its beating heart...

      That being said, it's not necessarily a bilingual problem than a Western cultural one, eh?