they are literally memeing the revolution into existence

  • krothotkin [he/him]
    4 years ago

    If you're privileged enough to toss like twenty bucks on this go for it and enjoy the ride.

    Absolutely do not invest serious money. Capital always protects capital. For every heartwarming story you're about to see about people paying off student loans there will be hundreds destitute. The system is rigged and the rich always win. The SEC could step in at any time and shut down trading. Do NOT fomo your life savings on this. Seriously.

      • krothotkin [he/him]
        4 years ago

        Yeah, actually. Depending on the brokerage they'll let you buy fractional shares.

          • dapranker [he/him]
            4 years ago

            I just use robinhood on my phone and it supports either share or dollar purchases

          • krothotkin [he/him]
            4 years ago

            Quite a few do, you can find lists online pretty easy. I know for a fact Robinhood does but I think I had to be on a waiting list for that one. Be careful - most brokerages will limit the kinds of stocks you can buy fractional shares of, so if there's a particular stock you're eyeing make sure it's on the broker's fractional share list.