Xi shakes hands with Netanyahu: “I mean come on guys he HAS to do that, 5D chess and all.”

    • SteveHasBunker [he/him]
      3 years ago

      AOC is a nobody and she doesn’t have to perfomatively stan war criminals; that’s a concious choice and she should be open to criticism for making the wrong one.

      I disagree.

      I'm no AOC fan, but lets be honest, "the troops" are somewhat of a sacred cow in US politics and any figure who said anything even mildly negative about them would get their ass roasted. So even the most left-wing person imaginable with any shot at holding any kind of electoral power in the US would have to play friendly with the troops. Saying "lmao fuck these douches who ran Abu-Ghraib" wouldn't achieve anything beyond us thinking she's cool for a hot second, and hate to say it but we don't matter much.

            • Spinoza [any]
              3 years ago

              the point is all politics is harder than pressing a button. i don't exactly know what people are expecting out of aoc but good god some people hate-post about her more than shapiro for the most useless, symbolic shit

            • CarlTheRedditor [he/him]
              3 years ago

              NOT meeting with the Zionist war criminal apartheid ruler takes even less effort still.