There's some drama about Maduro hyping it as a Venezuelan COVID cure, but I can't find anything about it. Besides (per Wikipedia) maybe it's a synonym for carvacrol/isothymol. Capitalist stranglehold on science suppressing the facts or is he actually just telling everyone to drink oregano oil?
Thanks, my top page of search results was all "Maduro walks back pseudoscience claims" without saying what it actually was.
pseudoscience is pretty common among nascent socialist movements in developing countries unfortunately
a lot of people who have little or no scientific education have bad ideas
Turns out crops don't thrive when you plant them all in the same hole in an attempt to foster some sort of plant based communism.
no, but it's pretty amazing what they're learning about forests lately. trees communicating and sharing resources with each other
Not that exploring that type of stuff is bad, just maybe don't immediately retool your existing food production based on questionable science.
Trees are definitely communist though
Science being dominated by bourgeois institutes tends to lead to distrust in science as a whole.
Not to mention the edge of science being hidden in the military industrial complex....