• Sopje
    9 months ago

    What does it even mean if you’re left leaning in everything but the economy and apparently a racist zionist. There’s not much politics left to be ‘left leaning’ in.

    • UlyssesT [he/him]
      9 months ago

      What does it even mean if you’re left leaning in everything but the economy

      It probably means they like le drugs and want unfettered access to sex pest adventures around the world like typical "socially liberal, fiscally conservative" South Park libertarians.

      and apparently a racist zionist

      They have a nonsensical ideology driven by hatred and death, much like standard nazis.

  • UlyssesT [he/him]
    9 months ago

    "I am left leaning as possible"


    "vampires need to be expired"


    it's actually nazi genocide shit instead of being about actual vampires


  • UlyssesT [he/him]
    9 months ago




    MMA chud, because of course

    RoastMe chud, because of course

    /r/Israel is exactly what I expected


    • GreatWhiteNope [she/her]
      9 months ago

      I agree, it’s one of the funniest sentences I’ve seen in a while. I wish he hadn’t overshadowed it with a call for genocide, but that’s also what makes it quintessential Reddit.

      Ideological nonsense and a sick bloodthirst for the imperial core’s current scapegoat.