
  • VILenin [he/him]M
    4 years ago

    Accurate title: White liberal dipshit totally glosses over absolutely everything that happened between 1850-1976 to piss and moan about Mao. Cry harder loser

    White liberal shut the fuck up (forever) challenge

  • CliffordBigRedDog [he/him]
    4 years ago

    China by virtue of its population and size had been a major power for most of written history, it is merely reclaiming its place

  • pepe_silvia96 [he/him]
    4 years ago

    it's interesting because under this stakeholder capitalism thing, the theory is that there are capital, internal(workers) and external(consumer) stakeholders. and it's the fault of the latter two that the world is going to shit; we dont have enough power and it's our fault.

    recently i had a professor who does research on the topic of 'corporate social responsibility' tell me that it costs corporations to do egregiously bad things, hence it's all the fault of the workers and consumers that it doesnt cost them more to do normal bad things than it does now...because if it did cost more, they wouldn't do it.

    and in a marxist sense he's right...if the american masses weren't such ideological apes things probably wouldn't be as bad now.

    but I'm guessing this is gonna be an idea we're gonna see a whole lot of in the future. it's perfectly fitting for this self-abnegating society to blame the poor workers and consumers who barely have two hours of free time in the day for not being woke enough.

    if we were more woke and inclined to cancel corporations/politicians/celebrities on twitter, the world would be better. the system has nothing to do with it.

    it's the perfect neo-liberal ideology.

  • snackage [he/him]
    4 years ago

    Johnny Harris is kinda dumb. Like his videos that are about tourism or the view or whatever but when he has to think about politics his brain just collapses.