I like Charmander as much as the next large adult baby, but Bulbasaur needs more love.

I'm curious if any of y'all are dorky enough to have a favourite starter, if so, which one? (Obviously Rowlet is the best one so why am I even asking? :stalin-garrison: )

  • gobble_ghoul [he/him]
    3 years ago

    Fairy was a cool addition, minus the unnecessary nerf to Bug. Would have also been cool to see Ice, Grass, and Rock get thrown a (preferably defensive) bone like they did for Dark and Ghost losing their Steel resist, though.

    I may find my way back to the franchise in a few years if it looks like they're putting more serious effort into improving it instead of just making their deadline, but for now I'm just sitting it out. I've been trying a few other mon games and I have a backlog I need to work on before I waste my money on something that I know will frustrate me.

    • Orannis62 [ze/hir]
      3 years ago

      Bug has actually gotten some pretty serious buffs in Gen VII and VIII, surprisingly. There's new bugs like Vikavolt, Golisopod, Orbeetle, Centiskorch, and Ribombee (Ribombee especially is fucking incredible) that don't peak in strength early the way that a lot of earlier gen Bugs did, Leech Life got buffed to something like 70 power (which is INSANE, pretty sure it was like 20 before), and some new, strong Bug moves like Pollen Puff and First Impression got added. Bug might be in the best spot it's ever been in.

      Oh, also, can't foret about :snom: it's a good new Bug with a very good evolution.

      I get you, though. I can understand feeling a bit burnt out in the series at this point.

      • ToastGhost [he/him]
        3 years ago

        leech life is 80 power. Its now the strongest health stealing move tied with oblivion wing which is legendary exclusive. Its just as powerful as most good attacks.