• VolcelPolice [any]
    4 years ago

    Oh jesus, this is out of hand, we're going to need Volcel Special Forces

    🚨🚨You have been identified as a Volcel oathbreaker.🚨🚨 This post has indicated that you are engaging in horny behavior. You are being reported and will soon be placed in a sensory deprivation room. For the moment, you may continue to post. Please note that everything you post can and will be used against you in a future Volcel committee hearing, and you are likely to also stand against charges of counter revolutionary activity. Further, your GPS location data has been noted. If we haven’t done so already, consider this post a warning that you would be well advised to cease-and-deist in all horny activity. The microphone on your phone is now sending us a live-stream of everything you say. It is all being captured for the now-pending committee hearing against you. We do appreciate your cooperation and look forward to seeing you on the inside of a sensory deprivation room in the near future. In the meantime, we are also preparing to notify your commissar and comrades of the activities you do on the internet. We have already notified your local worker’s housing council, who is on their way to confiscate your horny collection. Someone will be coming to your residence within the next month. Your cooperation will be required, as they are a representative of the Bureau of the Volcel Vanguard. If you have questions or believe you have been identified in error, please call us at our toll-free number for immediate assistance: 1-(800) 666-1312