What's the matter? Why haven't you touched your Mr Beast™ Feastables© DEEZ NUTZ bar?
I like how the share portion is a fraction of the bar, unlike Hersheys where the entire bar can be divided up.
I assume that this is an intentional metaphor for philanthropy.
jesus christ, i didnt even look closely enough at it to see that. man is absolutely taking the piss. it's so blatant lmao
I knock around these displays every time I see them
Mainly out of spite for him trying to get kids to give him free labor
I saw them when I went food shopping today. Well, I saw the display box.
They were sold out
Thus creating more opportunities for that free labor
How much is Mr. Beast not paying you anyway?
There is not ethical consumption under capitalism, but some consumption is less ethical than others…
I tried the milk chocolate ones. Actually not bad. They have chocolate liquor as an ingredient.