for a day. Just a day. So many of you need a break from The Great Wide Online. Take a day off and do literally anything else.

( big edit) Translation for the haters and jokesters in the comments:

spend a day doing something completely new. Get the fuck out of the social media feedback loop that is literally rotting your mental health. You can even do something online and not be "online"!! Hit someone up on a discord server and ask them to play a round of a new vidya game. head to 123movies and watch that swedish arthouse movie from the 60s that a friend recommended. Educate yourself on something that isn't about some obscure Deep Twitter Lore drama.

Give your pets some extra love and attention. Make plans for a houseplant nook in the corner of your bedroom. Look up a weird foreign food and cook it next Wednesday.

It's like we forget how to enjoy things when we're constantly being barraged with doomer posting everywhere.

Yes, i know shit is SOOOOO fucked lmao... but we have to take care of our mental wellbeing if we're ever going to have solidarity and change the world into what we want.

take a break

  • ferristriangle [he/him]
    4 年前

    Yeah, maybe I shouldn't be doomscrolling so much.

    But counterpoint, have you seen the quality of the doom lately?