Permanently Deleted

  • krothotkin [he/him]
    3 years ago

    Honestly I've gotten surprisingly comfy with the lack of downvotes. People can still get ratiod or :haram: ed if their takes are bad.

    I like the idea of barring DMs and capping comments for non-verified users. Maybe limit /c/userunion to verified users? Then that could be a place to post surveys once that's up and running and give people a place to voice grievances where wreckers can't intrude. Then maybe verified members can be called like Rank and File of Local Posters 33 (CC for ChapoChat) or something.

    • sailor_redstar [she/her]
      3 years ago

      I like this take, and would add in that case you'd probably want to make a seperate /c/banappeal that is accessable to new accounts.

      • Melon [she/her,they/them]
        3 years ago

        Absolutely not, the vast majority of ban appeal posts are unhelpful meta posts that alienate casual site visitors. Unless there can be some future feature that allows for hiding entire communities from the home screen by default for users (regardless of subscribed/all feeds), I don't see a place like that being helpful to anyone but bad faith actors and debatebro/drama baiters.

        edit: I should add that if every "pls unban me" poster cared as much about being a positive influence in this community as they do about getting unbanned, they would have zero fucking problems in the first place.

        • sailor_redstar [she/her]
          3 years ago

          Yeah my first instinct was quarantining these to a single comm with that sole purpose (so it doesn't clutter userunion which has other useful functions). An ideal solution would probably be implementing some kind of ban appeal system that shows up in the modlogs or something, that way only modlog watchers have to see it (of course the problem there is dev time). But yeah it's true I don't think I saw a single productive non-wrecker ban appeal in userunion (At least the wrecker ones were the most visible).

          • Melon [she/her,they/them]
            3 years ago

            I remember getting banned from the subreddit. I was banned for a week and the only mod justification I got was "shut the fuck up liberal" and that's okay. (I did post liberalism after all.) Bad actors have kept on posting about appeals and reforming and being better users or whatever as if taking care of them is the focus of this site. It has never been like that, and we shouldn't accept that framing. It's okay if they get burned a little. They always have the chance to get a fresh account and be better. If they can't cope with that, it's on them.

            • sailor_redstar [she/her]
              3 years ago

              Yeah temp banning getting implemented will probably help out. Also, if someone gets permd and wants to keep going with a new account, they have to work there way back up to trusted which will hopefully encourage them not to be such a liberal the next time.