Black History Month is an annual celebration of achievements by African Americans and a time for recognizing their central role in U.S. history.

The story of Black History Month begins in 1915, half a century after the Thirteenth Amendment abolished slavery in the United States.

That September, the Harvard-trained historian Carter G. Woodson and the prominent minister Jesse E. Moorland founded the Association for the Study of Negro Life and History (ASNLH), an organization dedicated to researching and promoting achievements by Black Americans and other peoples of African descent.

Known today as the Association for the Study of African American Life and History (ASALH), the group sponsored a national Negro History week in 1926, choosing the second week of February to coincide with the birthdays of Abraham Lincoln and Frederick Douglass. The event inspired schools and communities nationwide to organize local celebrations, establish history clubs and host performances and lectures.

In the decades that followed, mayors of cities across the country began issuing yearly proclamations recognizing Negro History Week. By the late 1960s, thanks in part to the civil rights movement and a growing awareness of Black identity, Negro History Week had evolved into Black History Month on many college campuses.

President Gerald Ford officially recognized Black History Month in 1976, calling upon the public to “seize the opportunity to honor the too-often neglected accomplishments of Black Americans in every area of endeavor throughout our history.”

hello everyone - happy Black history month 🌌 here's a massive archive list of Black and Marxist writing and film (with downloads!) to check out xoxo

by @777

The State and Revolution :flag-su:

:lenin-shining: :unity: :kropotkin-shining:
The Conquest of Bread :ancom:

Remember, sort by new you :LIB:

Yesterday’s megathread :sad-boi:

Follow the ChapoChat twitter account :comrade-birdie:

THEORY; it’s good for what ails you (all kinds of tendencies inside!) :RIchard-D-Wolff:


Join the fresh and beautiful batch of new comms:

! :deng-salute:

! :allende-rhetoric:

! :left-unity-2:

! :Care-Comrade:

by the way starting with tomorrow im gonna change username to @thelastaxolotl, i just like that name more

February Megathreads Teaser :sicko-flipped:

Stalingrad :stalin-fancy:

Rosa Parks :rose-fist:

Kropotkin :kropotkin-shining:

Islamic Golden Era :inshallah:

Huey Newton :huey-wut:

Deng Xiaoping :deng-salute:

Communist manifesto :marx: no engels emoji :angry-hex:

Cuauhtémoc :hisssssss:

  • IfIDontKnowNoOneDoes [undecided,any]
    3 years ago

    Redditism of the day: the word "fap". Probably my least favorite word that isn't a straight-up slur. Actually I might hate "kek" more but it's up there. Absolutely vile. Can't believe the subreddit for quitting masturbation is actually called "nofap", and the people who are active in the community call themselves "fapstronauts". What the fuck.

    • HarryLime [any]
      3 years ago

      I think "fap" originated elsewhere. I don't know where, but I think I saw it on fark before reddit.

      • Woly [any]
        3 years ago

        It was on 4chan long before reddit. :kombucha-disgust:

    • vsaush [he/him]
      3 years ago

      They do nofap for very dumb reasons like thinking it improves virility or some shit. But the cultural hegemony includes a lot of self-flagellation and guilt blasted on people day in and day out. I get why people feel like something as simple and natural as masturbation is something to be ashamed of, people aren't allowed to feel normal about their own desires.

      • EthicalHumanMeat [he/him]
        3 years ago

        I know someone who did it as a t-break like for weed. Just blissfully unaware of the baggage of the sub.

    • crispyhexagon [none/use name]
      3 years ago

      fapstronaut? really?

      i feel like that word would be better suited for use in describing someone that masturbates so often theyve ejaculated themselves into space. escaped the gravity well of the planet with the power of their cum. they are a fapstronaut.

      these antimasturbation no-fap folks should pick a different name, that makes more sense. like uhh...

      antifapals (anti-fap-pals)

      anti (against) fap (masturbation) al (pertaining to)

      preedit edit: no wait, thatll get confused the antifapals (antifa-pals) the antifascist friendship group. shit. guess they should just stop existing instead oh well

    • FidelCashflow [he/him]
      3 years ago

      like all things on the internet the trail leads back to something awful.