Personally, I find his Linux and privacy-related endeavors commendable, but I widely disregard of his political stances.

  • 小莱卡
    1 year ago

    Same as Luke smith, good linux content but they both cryptofascists. Also its funny that they both turned into grifters, one with monero and one with a shitty dropshipping merch.

    1 year ago

    He's very edgy, I don't like his content. If I want someone to talk about tech, I'd rather they just talk about tech and not make wojack thumbnails and constantly making fun of politics.

    1 year ago

    I disagree with his right-wing libertarianism, as many have said. I found him when i was getting into tech privacy stuff and watched it, then youtube started giving me more of the harder weirdos who were a little more fashy. I dont think Mental Outlaw is a facist, dont get me wrong - but the youtube algorithm may send you that direction.

    I think his older stuff was better and just had more content in each video. More recent videos (last 6-12 months?) it seems like he's got two news articles he reads but then he just goes on big tangents to fill space.

    1 year ago

    Tech content is passable, wish he'd stick to that. Been losing points with politics, cheap merch and lazying out with what basically amounts to reaction videos.

    Any other recommendations for tech content? Seytonic and The new oil are nice.

    1 year ago

    Love his content, he is quite entertaining, even when just doing a cooking video, has some good takes and some bad takes but who doesnt at this point.

    1 year ago

    Very much agreed, his tech stuff and farming is good content, but the rest I do not agree with in any shape or form.

    1 year ago

    I like his content, he covers open source tech pretty well imo. I don't agree with his opinions on guns, but I live in a country where any sort of weapons are pretty hard to get and violent crimes are very low. I won't understand the fear/anxiety of Americans living in open carry states, so take this opinion how you will. I don't really have any opinion on anyone's political opinions, including his. I do think it's cool how he has a chicken farm, a step towards self sustaining ig.

    1 year ago

    I actually haven't found much value in his videos lately. I followed him during the time that he was covering more informational topics like android ROMs and a smattering of how to walkthroughs. Haven't seen anything like that in awhile. The few I have watched have basically been news bites about some event in the tech world. I guess those are OK, but still not super helpful in discovering new tech or services.

    Now that I think back, he did do a video on how to switch from sudo to doas in Linux, which was awesome. One or two videos like that are enough to keep me monitoring the channel.

    1 year ago

    Informative tech content. I'm right leaning but more towards the center so I don't agree with everything he says politically speaking, but I have no issues viewing his content since at the end of the day he's still libertarian and anti-establishment. I also have no problems holding conversations with the anarcho socialists on lemmy, because at the end of the day they're also not advocating for more control over my life, we just have disagreements on the technical details of how society should work.

    1 year ago

    The next Terry Davis. Starting with the open source chicken farm of course.