• DetroitLolcat [he/him]
    4 years ago

    "vaccine resistance" has become the new chief scaremongering term. People read it and think "holy fuck, the vaccine doesn't work on it, we're fucked" when in reality the "vaccine resistant" strains are only slightly less resistant than the B117 or first strains. Quite literally, Moderna has already said their vaccine provides protection against the "vaccine resistant" strain, just that the level of antibodies generated is not as high.

    In fact, Moderna said that their vaccine produces 6 times less antibody against the South Africa variant than it does the other variants. Scary, right? Six times less protection!! We're all fucked!! Until you realize that even at 1/6 the antibody level, it's still just as protective. If you get shot in the head 60 times, you're just as dead as if you get shot in the head 10 times.

    And we've literally cracked the virus once, they're already working on vaccines that can handle the new strain. It's no different than the minor updates to the flu vaccine they make every year. Stop the doomscrolling, people. US herd immunity in the late summer / early fall is still probably happening.

    • Sasuke [comrade/them]
      4 years ago

      pfizer/moderna has also said that their vaccines should be easy to modify