• Mouhamed_McYggdrasil [they/them,any]
    4 years ago

    The most infuriating part of about the imminent antibiotic resistance crisis is that a majority (a fairy large majority, 70 fucking %) of antibiotics that are produced are used in intensive factory farming operations where they are indiscriminately mixed in with the feed as part of the cocktail used to keep those animals alive in cramped disgusting shit-infested conditions they'd naturally perish in. They just fill the whole lot of em up with antibiotics, figuring if they're not infected with something now they probably will be soon (and naturally the obvious solution is to pump them full of antibiotics rather than improve the conditions to be less disease-prone) and massively dose them all constantly through the feed. Granted its probably not last-line drugs (yet), but still! You probably couldn't design a better resistant superbug factory if you tried. And of course the overpowered corrupt factory farming lobby has done everything in their power to prevent any sort of objective investigation into it. Sorry for the rant, its just one of the things that really sets me off