Podcasters Delenda Est.

  • grilldaddy [she/her]
    4 years ago

    Not a red scare fan but but yeah I was personally rubbed the wrong way by this a little bit as well for reasons I haven’t really thought through all that much. Personal trauma comes with high social capital and I just think it’s important not to be naive about how people in power are aware of how it can be wielded to their political advantage.

    • NotARobot [she/her]
      4 years ago

      Is it or would it be nefarious to wield personal trauma to promote an agenda that is genuinely good?

      • grilldaddy [she/her]
        4 years ago

        In what way is the agenda definitively good? There are a couple of ways you can look of this but it’s not completely unconnected from the justifications for the massive expansion of the surveillance state so keep that in mind as you’re gauging your emotional response to her story. I guess the argument that it’s good is that it helps people feel less alone in their trauma? There isn’t a woman alive who isn’t aware she’s not alone in this particular type of trauma. That sharing it comes with such high social capital that it becomes default to “bravely” share your story does literally the exact opposite of bringing me comfort. Not sure how I ended up here but hey, it’s me, dying on this hill lol.

        • NotARobot [she/her]
          4 years ago

          I have no idea if her agenda (if there even is one) is good. Just that if it was, that could be a non-nefarious (in the context of the tweet) reason to publically talk about personal traumas.

          I don't think AOC is about to push towards expansion of the surveillance state, but I suppose it wouldn't be the first time we've been greatly disappointed by socdems.

          • grilldaddy [she/her]
            4 years ago

            I mean isn’t that the end game of things like the Ted Cruz tried to have me murdered line? Trying to categorize democrats political opponents as murderous nazis IS the very grounds on which they are building the revitalized patriot act. She got dunked on really hard today by anyone outside of the liberal sphere for the melodrama and backpedaling re: her capitol story and honestly it makes sense — she was never even in the capitol building or anywhere near protestors during her supposedly harrowing near death experience that involved a cop telling her she needed to move to another location in a stern voice. I really don’t want to see her as a disingenuous narcissist but GOD she makes it tough with stuff like this.

            • NotARobot [she/her]
              4 years ago

              Wait, she wasn't in the capitol at the time? Where was she?

              • grilldaddy [she/her]
                4 years ago

                She was in DC but she was not in the capitol building, she was in a different one nearby. She waited until yesterday to clarify that she wasn’t even in the capitol building while any of this was happening.