No, it's mean...won't stop her from elevating it to "death threat".
Being called a TERF is equivalent to threats of murder or rape...didn't you know? No use for distinction when you have a product to sell.
Which would compel you to download her app more?:
"I received 10 death threats & 120 rude messages, and 200 other people elsewhere on the internet are saying they hope I have stroke"
"Here's 4 of about 72 million death/rape/abuse threats (sic) I've received in the past two days!"?
She took my comment (on a forum she would have no interest in):
" yeah, go die. Support for all trans comrades, LGBTQ community, and feminists. Death to the transphobes"
and is using it as if I DMed her a threat on her life. I'd never send anyone a death threat under any circumstances, but I'll root for bad things to happen to bad people. She's using disdain for transphobes on an **explicitly anti-transphobic ** ebsite to sell people on their app predicated on transphobia It's disgusting.
I read some variation of "communists should be shot" every single fucking day, yet I don't treat it as a threat on my life.
is saying kys actually a death threat
No, it's mean...won't stop her from elevating it to "death threat".
Being called a TERF is equivalent to threats of murder or rape...didn't you know? No use for distinction when you have a product to sell.
Which would compel you to download her app more?:
She took my comment (on a forum she would have no interest in):
and is using it as if I DMed her a threat on her life. I'd never send anyone a death threat under any circumstances, but I'll root for bad things to happen to bad people. She's using disdain for transphobes on an **explicitly anti-transphobic ** ebsite to sell people on their app predicated on transphobia It's disgusting.
I read some variation of "communists should be shot" every single fucking day, yet I don't treat it as a threat on my life.