Boom(er), roasted

But seriously, the brain is just another part of the body that experiences organ failure over time

  • Akz1918 [he/him]
    4 years ago

    [OTHER way on social issues] not even remotely close. From same sex marriage, to marijuana legalization, to criminal justice reform etc EVERY generation has become more liberal, countless polls have demonstrated that. And politicians have responded in kind. Biden wrote the most draconian crime bill decades, it was signed in to law by Clinton. The most comprehensive criminal justice reform bill in decades (First Step Act) was introduced by Rep. Doug Collins a Republican, not from the liberal North East, not from the liberal great lakes region, not from the West coast, but from the dirty South state of Georgia, and signed in to law by Trump.

    • Pezevenk [he/him]
      4 years ago

      EVERY generation has become more liberal

      Every generation, yes. Not necessarily the same generations through time. As an average, again yes, but it's not close to being universal.

      • Akz1918 [he/him]
        4 years ago

        Every generation, in the past 30 years, in the U.S. has become more liberal on social issues. It's a snap shot, of a corner of the globe that debunks your claim that people become more conservative as they age, it does not debunk your claim that people's politics change depending on their station in life, something I don't disagree with. Boomers grew up enjoying a comfortable life in no small part due to the work unions put in before they were born, and the new deal regulations that prevented monopolies, cartels, banks gambling with their deposits, and policies that encouraged long term viability instead of short term profits. They did not experience life before those changes were made, younger generations are now experiencing the results of Boomers actions to bust unions, and gut regulations, and they are more economically liberal as a result.

        • Pezevenk [he/him]
          4 years ago

          it does not debunk your claim that people’s politics change depending on their station in life, something I don’t disagree wit

          You disagreed with it like 2 posts ago. People do get much more conservative as they age, being conservative isn't set in stone and the same thing across all societies, it is a relative position compared to the current circumstances in society.

          They did not experience life before those changes were made, younger generations are now experiencing the results of Boomers actions to bust unions, and gut regulations, and they are more economically liberal as a result.

          I'm gonna ignore the use of "economically liberal" here lol but I can assure you that most of the younger people you are talking about who will earn a decent sum of money and then retire will change their tune. It's sadly what happens. Not all of them of course. But a lot of them.

          • Akz1918 [he/him]
            4 years ago

            [change their tune] could be, but because the the Atari, New, Blue dog, and DLC, Third Way dems have been so successful at gutting new deal regulations, lowering the social floor, union busting and privatizing the number of people who "who will earn a decent sum of money" will be negligible, furthermore, I may have not have been as clear as I thought I was. Yes a persons economic conditions often shape a person's ideology, the greatest gen grew up during the depression, boomers grew up during the most prosperous time in U.S. history. The greatest gen voted for Obama (who ran a a Economic populist in 08) in 08 (the silent gen and boomers did not who did not live through the depression did not) the GG was well aware of who the villains were that caused the great depression, and what it would take to fix it. Boomers went though a few minor recessions, and a bit of stagnation, that was blamed on unions/regulations/high taxes but nothing like the great depression. again Boomers do not now nor have they ever had a distrust of finance and big business. They believe their station in life is a result of their own hard work, and not the result of labor battles one before they were born. This mind set is not something that developed as their station improved, it's a mind set they always has because their station was never in dire straits.