The global historical context given by discussions on this subject has been fundamental to my radicalization, even to this day. Thinking about the implications and connections still blows my mind.
Trying to discuss poitics, and why things are the way they are globally, with anyone not familiar with the subject, feels futile sometimes.
These 2 pod episodes, recent releases, are extremely good introductions. Nothing too sensationalist, measured analyses in both imo.
A good discussion with Vincent Bevins, author of the brilliant "The Jakarta Method."
Great interview with David Price about the Influence of the agency , subtle and otherwise, on the intellectual landscape of the US since WW2. He speaks really well about blowback he may or may not have experienced, and how he thinks about it, at the end of the interview.
I really like this pod btw, always good interview subjects imo, interviewed earnestly. Get your comedy elsewhere.