I can't think of a better way to describe it. For example. I have a stupid little picross app on my phone. I swear it has just the right sounds and mental input to keep me glued to it. I know I got other things to do. I know I need to put it down. One more puzzle is fine tho, right...? I mean it's only 3-5 minutes...and poof it's been an hour....well, it's already been an hour so one more is fine, right?


I am asking here cuz I don't wanna hear about "well just put your phone down!" or "willpower!" or even "lazy!!!". I physically am sitting there thinking ok after this one I put the phone down and then I push the next button without even noticing I did it. It's even worse if I'm stressed or 'procrastinating' cuz the list is too long. So please, gently, without reminding me that I'm a lazy asshat who just needs to learn to adult, help me out here...

  • jurassicneil [any]
    3 years ago

    I know that feeling comrade. I get it from scrolling endlessly, gaming etc and it sucks especially when you're aware of what you're doing but just.cant.put.it.down . There was a comment by a comrade on here that helped me a bit about these situations. I can't find it but what they essentially said was that though we are living in a neurotypical society/economy/world, we shouldn't judge ourselves based on neurotypical standards. There will be days where it'll be tough even to get out of bed and that's okay. Our brains just aren't wired to function as seamlessly everyday like neurotypical brains are. Doesn't mean we are in any way lesser. So take the bad days with the good ones and don't blame yourself. It's not your fault.