I’ve watched this video a bunch of times, and it utterly baffles me. I genuinely cannot understand how BadEmpanada came to this conclusion.

To start off this video, he immediately does the most annoying YouTube loser thing ever. He does the whole, “I’m gonna piss off some people with this heh heh heh” thing. That’s annoying to begin with. He appears to believe that anti Americanism is “contrarianism” when it isn’t. The vast majority of internet contrarians are not Intersectional Third Worldists. He then defines the “socialism” that he follows as “trying to do the best possible for the majority of people” which is incredibly anti materialistic and anti scientific marxist. Then, he breaks into the contrarian bullshit of the “but” principle, where he pretends to be against America (he really isn’t). It’s very clear that he’s lying about how much he doesn’t like America. He then says that he opposes America for political reasons and not just “because it’s america.” You know, a lot of people in the Middle East, who live in constant fear for clear skies because they could be vaporized by missile blasts, hate America because it’s America. To say that this is wrong is to delegitimize the third world who is oppressed primarily by the white western country of America.

Then, he does the EPIC contrarian thing where he brings up China. I’m gonna just say it outright here. Fuck critical support. China isn’t doing anything wrong. It is following correct Dengist principles. Criticism of China is entirely rooted in Americanism, White Supremacy, Western Imperialism, and Sinophobia. China is not “state capitalist.” It is Leninist-Dengist. China has lifted millions out of poverty. China has developed the most advanced rail system in the world. China is bringing benefit to non western nations across the world. If you have problems with that, go fuck yourself.

Then he brings up Iran. Iran is in the same boat. Iran is a good anti American country that strives to destroy imperialism from the white westerners. Iran deserves uncritical support. Calling Iran “far right” is a false flag, and is the most western thing ever.

I’m gonna read a quote here where he’s being sarcastic, but it’s entirely true.

US aligned is bad, US opposed is good.

This is entirely true.

This whole video is a CIA Black Ops Gladio hit piece against some of the only good western journalists. The Grayzone is a great news source. To attack it is to promote white supremacy and western imperialism.

He then defends the US by saying it has been on the right side of history (it hasn’t) occasionally (never)

You know what I can’t even go two minutes into the video without screaming. BadEmpanada is a white westerner from Australia who is promoting the colonization of non western Argentina. Fuck him and fuck anyone who defends him.

  • JoeySteel [comrade/them]
    3 years ago

    If they're white they aint alright.

    Imagine criticising China... A nation that hasnt been to war since 1979 and in that period went from subsuharan African living standards to a space faring nation helping to develop the poorest countries in Africa with a life expectancy surpassing the US...

    All without colonies, slave trading, neocolonialism or debt trapping poorer nations

    Any 'left' incapable of seeing the incredibly progressive role China is playing pulling down the pillars of Western imperialism is a national chauvinist that is incapable of removing the liberal brain worms from their mind

    • Bedulge [he/him]
      3 years ago

      I dont want to be too much of a "nuance" logic bro here, but you can believe all that without also thinking that China is perfect. China has accomplished a lot. Its seriously fucking astounding to think about what china has accomplished in the past century. The Chinese working class living standards are rising faster than they have in basically any country anywhere in human history, and that's fucking incredible and it deserves to be noted.

      But that deosnt mean that China is perfect or immune from criticism. Our ML comrades have correctly pointed out that a lot of anti-Chinese criticism has its origin in yellow peril racism. That's 100 % true and I point that out to irl friends when the topic comes up.

      But it's a massive leap of logic to go from that correct insight, to then saying that all ctitisicm of China is racist and illegitimate.

      • JoeySteel [comrade/them]
        3 years ago

        I agree with your entire comment except your last paragraph which i would again agree but i would say 1 percent of criticism of China is done in a comradely, informed, investigated and researched place and 99 percent is racist, illegitimate and can be dismissed

        For instance whenever we hear critiques about China...we never first hear that the Chinese people, led by the Communist Party, have moved heaven and earth in China since 1949

        Never do we hear this praise as you or i have put it

    • leftcompride [none/use name]
      3 years ago

      Imagine thinking that the opinions of leftists on China, either positive or negative, is relevant or has any effect in the real world. China is better than the USA as a capitalist country, but they still repress socialists. If you're actually interested in socialism and not just fapping to red flags, if you try to organize workers in China, you will face the same repression as in the USA.

      • JoeySteel [comrade/them]
        3 years ago

        China is better than the USA as a capitalist country, but they still repress socialists

        Theres 90 million communist party members. But sure im sure some Baizuo who learned socialism a year or two ago has a better line on the material development than a nation of 1.4 billion people on the front lines against imperialism

        If they need to repress 'socialists' they're probably of the caliber of the Russian trot orgs that "call for the downfall of Russia" or the socialists in CWI who were supporting the Hong Kong protests by violent far right thugs who kept calling mainland chinese "cockroaches"

        if you try to organize workers in China, you will face the same repression as in the USA.

        These the same workers in China that have an 80 percent approval rating of the government and have seen real wages increase at a speed never before seen anywhere on the planet?

        Or the same China where 90 percent of the population said "China was going in the right direction"


        Also your point about "opinions of leftists outside China": all certain segments of Nato intelligence service think about is how you think about particular topics. As they cant go to war without first manufacturing consent

        Secondly, its more about exposing opportunists like Bad Empanda