I mentioned stuff about walmart and modern technology and somebody sent me a long wall text of how that wouldn't work because entire economies are too complex even for supercomputers.
now on tiktok anytime somebody says something remotely socialist they get spammed with "debunk the ECP"
it's hard to do withing the tiktok character limit and their only response is to strawman the shit out of you so you can either try something like a long ass answer and split it up into a bunch of different replies and they will respond with nothing but strawman arguments or they will misinterpret things you say or they will pull incomplete pieces of what you say out of your argument bc it's split up. Your other option (which is much more effective because they really aren't looking for a serious conversation they just want to spam their gotcha) is to tell them either a) "touch grass" or b) "why don't you go economically calculate some pussy"
yeah I did that and then they ratio'd me by saying "so you don't have any argument"