I don't know how well known it is, but a lot of European countries have long standing policies of kidnapping Roma children "for their own good" and forcibly adopting them out to European families or putting them in orphanages. It's widespread, its extremely destructive, and it's just one more avenue of cultural and literal genocide in European's five hundred year long campaign of violence and murder against Roma people.

There's an old, vicious lie that Roma people steal European children, but the truth is very much the opposite. European hatred for Roma people knows no bounds, I wouldn't be shocked if this post picks up a couple of "actually a Roma kid stole my uncle's watch in Athens in 1998 and that's why they need to be exterminated!" Posts.

If you're ever bored go on Reddit and post anything, literally anything, about Roma people and time how long it takes for Europeans to show up spouting racist, genocidal violence.

  • rozako [she/her]
    4 years ago

    This pisses me off so much. I’ve had my twitter accounts suspended TWICE for discussing antiziganism. And one of the times was when there was a lot of racial justice discussion going on in general on Twitter, and i didn’t see a single other person get suspended for discussing any other race. I have had multiple other Roma friends get suspended or locked right after talking about issues.

    And I never said anything against their terms of service in my tweets. I suppose someone could make the argument yours does (even tho it doesn’t lol) but mine were so innocent. It’s genuinely like becoming a conspiracy in my mind that Twitter is specifically trying to silence any discussion on Romani things.

    Also yeah you’re right. Roma kids get stolen all the time by Europeans. Hell even the Catholic church facilitated it for a while.

  • mclovin [he/him]
    4 years ago

    :eu-cool: thanks for sharing the article. That sounds like a nightmare that they're going through.

    "Gypsies and Italians…the same laws do not work for both." When questioned if this was the Child Welfare Office's policy, or the official's opinion, he responded, "We just follow orders. These are decisions made by the local government."

    Damn, "just following orders" sounds familiar

    • Frank [he/him, he/him]
      4 years ago

      That ones really out of date. There's lots of more recent horrors if you want to go down the rabbit hole of European violence against Roma people.

  • GVAGUY3 [he/him]
    4 years ago

    I got suspended a day for posting a shut the fuck up terf Jojo meme. A bunch of Br*tish women reported me. Sadly haven't been suspended since then.

  • Circra [he/him]
    4 years ago

    In the UK, Roma and Irish travellers often get lumped in together as gypsies. The hate they get is something else. One of the council estates I grew up on we had a traveller family living next door. The kids were way better behaved than many of the little shitheads there and all the dad seemed to be interested in was racing pidgeons but to hear it you'd think they were the worst family living there.

    A woman I worked with was going on about them talking about her old business that closed down. She was really angry with them cos some of them lowballed her when she was selling off stuff when it went out of business. Apparently she was scared they'd curse her if she refused. Note here they didn't threaten to curse her, she was just scared the gypsies would curse her.

    It's just fucking everywhere. Even people who you think would know better start sounding like a paid up member of the Nazi party soon as they are mentioned.