Thats all

  • JoesFrackinJack [he/him]
    4 years ago

    Yeah if we compare it to say The Death of Stalin, I'd much rather recommend that over this. It was a lot easier to set aside some of the dogshit ass revisionism because they made it constantly funny because of all the actors doing such a great job. Steve Buscemi is just a really funny dude to me, I've always loved him and is mainly why I even gave it a shot. It was like watching an alternative history movie but it doesn't take it self serious. Jojo rabbit is also completely fictional but they took it more serious as an actual movie, even though it's comedy. None of the actors pretended to have russian accents so you got various british, american and other accents all happening at one time so it's not like they are really trying to be serious/historical.

    • shitstorm [he/him]
      4 years ago

      Unfortunately, the literal plot of the movie is that liberalism is good.