Reconsidering my years of veganism after learning that pigs are g*mers.
You're laughing
They turned our precious pigs into gamers and you're laughing.
being a g*mer clearly doesn't indicate remarkable behavioral/mental flexibility
The article includes this picture of the joystick setup and this one of a pig using it.
in the current study, the team used food to teach and reinforce behaviors, but also found that social contact could strongly influence their persistence. For instance, when the machine dispensing treats failed to work, the pigs continued to make correct responses using only verbal and tactile cues. And only verbal encouragement seemed to help the animals during the most challenging tasks.
They were literally encouraged by humans saying nice things to them omfg <3
this explains why my pig would gas light me like a cartoon frog would >:(
Are we gonna talk about how the genus of pig here is literally Sus??