While I know this is just standard racism from a white American, I’m posting this horrifically racist tweet because of who sent it. This isn’t some rando. This is the founder and CEO of “The Federalist”, a hugely popular website on the right. Like, it’s one of the biggest sources of news for reactionaries alongside the Daily Wire.
Just a reminder; Everyone in Europe thought Colombus was a psychopath, he was arrested a bunch of times, and died in poverty after being kicked out of Portugal. American Italians picked him out of a hat in the 30s because they wanted a Catholic Italian mascot who had some kind of relationship to America that they could rally behind while they were trying to get a race-lift to full whiteness.
Not that I care what a piece of shit dead colonizer would feel, but Columbus would feel disgusted that a whole bunch of Sicilians and Calabrians thought they were from the same ethnicity. He was Genoese, and they hated everyone else in the peninsula.
This makes me happy to know. I hope he’s seething in hell