While I know this is just standard racism from a white American, I’m posting this horrifically racist tweet because of who sent it. This isn’t some rando. This is the founder and CEO of “The Federalist”, a hugely popular website on the right. Like, it’s one of the biggest sources of news for reactionaries alongside the Daily Wire.
We really need a :kkkristendom: flag. Churches all around me fly that shit
Just a reminder; Everyone in Europe thought Colombus was a psychopath, he was arrested a bunch of times, and died in poverty after being kicked out of Portugal. American Italians picked him out of a hat in the 30s because they wanted a Catholic Italian mascot who had some kind of relationship to America that they could rally behind while they were trying to get a race-lift to full whiteness.
Not that I care what a piece of shit dead colonizer would feel, but Columbus would feel disgusted that a whole bunch of Sicilians and Calabrians thought they were from the same ethnicity. He was Genoese, and they hated everyone else in the peninsula.
This makes me happy to know. I hope he’s seething in hell
Without fail, nearly every that spouts off about white supremacy has a severe case of polface syndrome
What really tickles me is that this dude has no idea why so many American are mad, and its because they were fucked by the Federalists' favored financiers.
Celebrate Columbus Day the European way
Find another with slightly different beliefs and butcher them for their land
Columbus landed in the Americas and proclaimed: just on more lane bro!