"Left Unity" does not cover minions, says it right there in Article 4, Section Two of the Chapo Charter which under the authority of the Admiralty court means the mods have no authority to court-martial me, since I cannot be court-martialed TWICE

  • AlexandairBabeuf [they/them]
    4 years ago

    isn't syndicalism super opposed to electoralism and only concerned with building labor power & then eventually they just supercede the bourgeois state or something? doing 'party' politics isn't a 1 : 1 with electoralism but I can maybe see where they were coming from

    • PermaculturalMarxist [they/them]
      4 years ago

      Well, it's central to the way Marxism is applied politically to take on more than just the labour struggle. Much of Lenin's What Is to Be Done? is a response to the narrow fixitation on a solely labour-based struggle. He said that there also has to be an ideological and political struggle co-ordinated with the economic (i.e. labour) struggle. Otherwise, opportunities are missed by this tactical inflexibility to bring more people into the camp of the communists, including non-proletarian segments of the masses that are being ruined by capitalism all the same.

      The Marxist opposition to "electoralism" is just another manifestation of this desire for tactical flexibility. Running people for elections as a socialist isn't bad per-se, but it has to be seen merely as a tactic in a broader strategy that is based mostly on the mobilization of the masses.