Yes, he described Palestinians as "the bugs" and said some other really fucking ignorant quotes from that movie without the slightest understanding of Paul Verhoeven's intent (his effort may have been doomed from the start; he even scolded actors on set for "not getting it" and just enjoying the fascism).

I have some license with what I say because I'm moving and transferring out of state in a few weeks but I also don't want to have a bad mark on my record by saying something particularly scary about the IDF, so what should I tell him on Monday?

  • ChaosMaterialist [he/him]
    1 year ago

    If he's really gung-ho about Starship Troopers, and with the Israeli troop buildup, how exactly the first invasion of Klendathu went?

    Why was Humanity's military intelligence at the time of invasion caught so flat-footed, both during the Buenos Ares asteroid and the first Klendathu invasion, especially in light of the Israeli intelligence failure?

    Would he accept being a sacrifice to learn about the bugs? If he does not, then he's just a civilian and not a citizen. Does he disapprove? "Well too bad. [Politicians and the military] have to make decisions that send hundreds of people like you to their deaths."

    And, finally, military recruitment is down in the US. Why not join up? "We have the ships. We have the weapons. We need soldiers! They'll keep fighting, will you? Service guarantees citizenship!"

    cue Klendathu Drop

    • UlyssesT [he/him]
      1 year ago

      My prediction is that he'd get dreamy-eyed and just remember the spectacle, scene by scene, if I cited the movie in the way you suggested.

      He's one of those very uncurious "smart" types. The curtains are very fucking blue to him and the fiction is both great wisdom on the surface and is just fiction when challenged or when interpretations are made.

      • ChaosMaterialist [he/him]
        1 year ago

        I would act pretty slack-jawed golly-gee-darn-that-makes-no-dern-sense ignorant, and bring up those questions and ask how the Israelis should be any different? Like really make him explain it step-by-step. Use it to appeal to his logic side as you twist it in knots. Lead him into interesting conflicts of logic with "stupid" questions and a bunch of Whys. Be that dork in the movie that can't believe bugs think if you want inspiration and make him try to be the "smarter" commentator.

        • UlyssesT [he/him]
          1 year ago

          That sounds very challenging to put into practice, but it has potential. I'd have to resist not exploding while playing ignorant for much of the time.

          • ChaosMaterialist [he/him]
            1 year ago

            It is so very hard. You have to put on your best Confused Tucker live-tucker-reaction face and "explode" into another question. It's easier said than done lmao!

              • ChaosMaterialist [he/him]
                1 year ago

                You also don't have to debate this dude. You could just fuck with him. Conveniently forget scenes and make him describe it. Rinse, repeat. Confuse characters and plot elements. Have him constantly remind you about Who and What. Bring in entirely different movies, and then act confused when he tries to correct you.

                The possibilities are endless with live-tucker-reaction