Share yall's journey over here. Here's mine. TLDR: apolitical -> chud -> lib -> based commie :sicko-laser:

Was mostly apolitical until the culture war shit of 2016 and I got sucked into anti-SJW youtube. Naturally I developped the standard reactionary views (systemic racism isn't real, offensive = funny, gays are weird, etc).

Then I went on 4chan after seeing a funny video about them trolling Shia LaBeouf, and being edgy I naturally hit the "politically incorrect" board. I knew they were edgy and I had experienced racism before but the shit on there was something else to say the least.

After that I started questioning my views and realized how cucked it is to be a reactionary minority. At this point I was a lib, cuz fuck rightists but Communism seems silly.

What made me swing left is:

  1. Learning Obama and Trump both supported the corruput authoritarian president in my home country.

  2. Taking econ and having cognitive dissonance between the lessons and real life. If the profit motive rewards benefiting society then what's up with climate change? If "supply/demand = cheap price" then why does my mother have to ration her medicine every other month? Etc etc.

Then I stumbled on a Parenti video and everything clicked. Thanks Parenti :michael-rosen:

    4 years ago

    I was pretty lib growing up, in the privileged 'don't need to think about politics sort of way'. As a teenager I was vaguely aware of Gamergate as being about 'ethics in video game journalism', and was subscribed to places like /r/tumblrinaction and /r/imgoingtohellforthis. What ended up getting me out of those spaces and on a path to the left was this Lindsay Ellis video talking about feminism and gender in transformers lol. It made me give pause and think about what my own preconceived notions about gender and feminism said about me. I then got introduced to Contrapoints through Ellis, and it helped crystalize a lot of disjointed lefty thoughts into more of a coherent ideology. She was also the first trans voice that I really listened to, and so for that I'll be forever thankful, even if she is a bit of a lib.

    Then I started reading theory, and making my own way. Found the subreddit, and it felt like home immediately. Stuck around until the end, and then joined the discord before coming here. Was a great community to have through this summer, I'll tell ya.

      • FRIENDLY_BUTTMUNCHER [she/her]
        4 years ago

        Exactly. Most in this community have outgrown the breadtube creators, but it's important to recognize them as a stepping stone. Sure beats having the youth watching SJW cringe compilations and getting their politics from g*mers.