I was sleeping on this podcast till now because I'm lazy. But yesterday I decided to go through the episodes/clips on YouTube and wow they are good! I've no idea how they manage to get so many awesome guests - Richard Wolff, Zizek, Chomsky, then you've got Nina Turner and Cornel West, there's Boots Riley, it's just incredible. And all of them are so honest and upfront and open when talking. I've never seen Wolff this animated and lively when talking to someone else or even on his own show! It's incredible.

EDIT - What the fuck happened in the comments?

  • BigBoopPaul [he/him]
    3 years ago

    It's only a matter of time before Brie becomes irony-poisoned and radicalized. She can only harp on #ForceTheVote and Trump's impeachment for so long before realizing the whole system is a fuck.

    I will continue to dog the Kyle Kulinski and Krytal Ball podcast, though. What a whiff.

    • Bedulge [he/him]
      3 years ago

      Her interview with Chomsky was so embarrassing.

      Like, I like her and all, but like, her going like "No, no, you see by not voting for biden, I'm actually being strategic by "leveraging our votes".

      Like, sorry, until the left has some mass organization votes as a block, and that can actually swing an election, you cant leverage your vote.

      Just say you're not voting for Biden because hes a shit lib right winger and leave it at that. Stop trying to pretend it's part of some big strategy that will lead to us taking power, because that tbh, is a massive cope by people trying to pretend that the left has more power than it actually does.

    • congressbaseballfan [she/her]
      3 years ago

      Krystal ball is obv cia. The only thing that might convince me otherwise is that the CIA would be wise to have her change her name or something lol

    • Mardoniush [she/her]
      3 years ago

      She nearly did once after the squad did nothing with the force the vote non-event.