I was sleeping on this podcast till now because I'm lazy. But yesterday I decided to go through the episodes/clips on YouTube and wow they are good! I've no idea how they manage to get so many awesome guests - Richard Wolff, Zizek, Chomsky, then you've got Nina Turner and Cornel West, there's Boots Riley, it's just incredible. And all of them are so honest and upfront and open when talking. I've never seen Wolff this animated and lively when talking to someone else or even on his own show! It's incredible.
EDIT - What the fuck happened in the comments?
ehhh theres something about BJG that makes me a lil suspicious.....the whole FTV situation with how she and other blue check podcasters seem to be mad at the DSA for not "putting in the work" and expecting the DSA to do their organizing for them rather than actually engaging with the DSA themselves, kind of turns me off. (thats how ive seen the situation explained but if its something different lmk)
its generally annoying watching nyc blue checks who were corporate until a few years ago make a bunch of money off of left content, talk about anything. I feel like some of these types think they can skip the line/ are owed certain praise for the left just because they make more money talking about left issues than anyone else. .....all of their commentary just seems irrelevant because they're so disengaged from the actual organizing on the ground and it just seems so useless when they're arguing over something for 1.5 hours on some stream when real work is being done by people who organize on top of having regular jobs where they make less money! like bad faith and similar podcasts sometimes just literally has stuff wrong because they aren't on the ground and so they have these mishapened takes that are only based on conjecture being used as building blocks for some general argument that doesnt even matter
In general im wary about the commentary class /people who get paid to be thought leaders without putting in any real work, and really wish people wouldnt listen to them as much
It doesnt help that i worked with BJG;s boyfriend (the public interest attorney she brags about) who was a talented tenth howard spoken word "lets ruminate in my blackness instead of talking about how we can address my coworker's real shitty labor conditions" type. (i say this as a black woman) Its funny how that dude isnt even involved with organizing around tenant rights in nyc yet whenever BJG talks about nyc tenant issues she leans into her association with him as if he's on the vanguard even though he's just a public defender type, who contributed to the lack of equity between his lower paid brown and black coworkers (you know, the actual non gentrifier college educated tenants of nyc). This is super dumb and personal but i always felt like BGJ's boyfriend was probably indicative of her personality.
there was also some weird cheating (?) relationship drama in the office having to deal with BGJ but thats for another time and i do not wish to dox myself