Nero fiddled as Rome burned? It was the best thing he could have done under the circumstances. Healing through art is a natural reaction to tragedy.
[In reality, Nero rushed to help put out the fire and spent money on relief efforts afterwards. The reason he got hate was that he exploited the fire as an opportunity to expand the imperial palace. Also because he persecuted Christians and they wrote the later histories when he had actually been a popular emperor for most of his reign. And he played the lyre, not the fiddle.]
Nero fiddled as Rome burned? It was the best thing he could have done under the circumstances. Healing through art is a natural reaction to tragedy.
[In reality, Nero rushed to help put out the fire and spent money on relief efforts afterwards. The reason he got hate was that he exploited the fire as an opportunity to expand the imperial palace. Also because he persecuted Christians and they wrote the later histories when he had actually been a popular emperor for most of his reign. And he played the lyre, not the fiddle.]
They played us like a damn fiddle!