for example all time greats are:

Intersectionality is opposed Marxism

Queer Theory is opposed to Marxism

Postmodernism is opposed to Marxism

Postcolonialism is opposed to Marxism

Feminism is opposed to Marxism

Identity politics exists because of Stalinism

it's all just shit like that, they seem to fundamentaly oppose any theory after Lenin.

I've tried arguing wih them for example about Intersectionslity, but they just say that it can't incorporate class because then they wouldn't need to use it anymore because it is the only thing that matters.

all reform is useless because it doesn't remove capitalism(black liberation, lgbt+ liberation?)

They now try to explain foucault and described him as anti-marxist.(turns out that's true)

"Queer Theorie says it is reactionary to be cis." "intersectionality leads to infighting about who is the most opressed"

They use postmodernism and idealism as some kind of slurs for ideas and all of the above is idealist, only the material ever matters. Idealism is petit-burgoise, post-modern nonsense

Also they are explicitly anti-pluralist in their organisation and don't want to do anything except growing by recruiting students. Like I can't even convince them to go help the foodbank.

Because these people(at hte foodbank) are apparently too pre-occupied with survuval to educate themselves about marxism. So any energy on them is wasted. They can't be useful as activists and we must grow first before we can help people. (which is a shit reason)

They also say shit like that all opression is based on class, and that intersectionality splits the working class and should be avoided. That privileges don't exist because you can't make individuals responsible for opression because it all comes from above.

This video explains what is happening here. It's their exact points.

They only ever go somewehere to hand out flyers, not for support. (one guy actually said we couldn't go to the foodbank beecause we would have to do work there and couldn't just hand out flyers)

I don't know if still have the energy to fight against this bullshit and I've read some more about intersectionality but, they've "indoctrinated" themselves about this shit for years and i am not making any progress. It makes me angry and tired.

  • wtypstanaccount04 [he/him]
    4 years ago

    I often feel like "class reductionism" is just an insult thrown at people who recognize that class is the oppression that we all share. Not this time. This is class reductionism and quite frankly idiotic. Intersectionality is how you form coalitions, and this group doesn't seem to want to do anything.

    • DerEwigeAtheist [she/her, comrade/them]
      4 years ago

      If you are interested here 's one of their sources.

      I argued with them about it, but for them if you are not fighting class and only class you are wasting your time. They always say how intersectionality cripples organizations because they think aknowldeging opression makes people do stupid stuff, i don't get their reasoning to be honest.

      • wtypstanaccount04 [he/him]
        4 years ago

        I actually agree with a lot of the article. The definitions seem to be different to me, though. I view intersectionality as an inherently Marxist idea, and that liberal views of intersectionality aren't intersectional at all. This source seems to believe that all intersectionality is liberalism, despite talking about intersectionality on their website, i.e, "As reforms are never handed over willingly by the ruling class without a struggle, the best way to win any reform is through mass, militant, and collective action from below that make the bosses and politicians sweat for fear of revolution. The struggle against oppression and for any reform to alleviate it should not just be the responsibility of the group experiencing the particular oppression or discrimination in question, but must involve the whole working class, encompassing all oppressed groups. Men and heterosexual workers have a vested interest in standing up for women’s and LGBTQ rights, white workers must join the struggle against racism, and so on. Our strength is in our unity, and a gain for any layer of the working class is a gain for the whole class and all of the oppressed."

        Seems like the members of your party don't understand what intersectionality is and don't follow what they say in their literature.

        • DerEwigeAtheist [she/her, comrade/them]
          4 years ago

          I tried telling them that, but they just start say that privilege doesn't exist and that they are fundamentaly opposed to intersectionality in their organisation and class is the only thing that matters(no shit, that what was they told me). Other hilarous takes: we are marxists not feminists. We reject feminism(said by a women)

          I also noticed that they seem to use post-modernism as a stand-in for lineralism.

          • wtypstanaccount04 [he/him]
            4 years ago

            If they refuse to change their definition of intersectionality, that's understandable, it's been bastardized by liberals over the past decade. Do talk about how coalition building works, though. Talk about the history of the working class and how reforms have been won. If they still refuse to do anything, it's probably best just to leave.

            • DerEwigeAtheist [she/her, comrade/them]
              4 years ago

              I will try for a bit more, but i feel that i already am on thin ice for critizising their refusal to do any praxis except handing out fliers at schools and going to protests and also handing out fliers. I also got a bit uncivil when one guy said that, the opinions of lgbt+ don't matter when defining a postition to lgbt+ movements.