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    • LangdonAlger [any]
      3 years ago

      i taught high school history throughout my 20s in a very high need community. I showed up around 715am each day and left between 5 and 6pm. I typically needed 4 hours every other saturday to catch up on grading/lesson planning. always had my phone on me for students to reach out for help via the Remind app. it is a simultaneously draining and fulfilling job, but i recognize i essentially became a character of myself to uphold a role model status to my students. also, the liberal tendrils that turn you into an american civil religion nerd are real and nearly inescapable; even many of the based/woke popular teachers on campus were mostly snivelling libs when it comes down to it. i used my dedication to the job as an excuse to refrain from other organizing because "i'm already doing enough." what other questions you got?

        • LangdonAlger [any]
          3 years ago

          we had a great union and it was there for me several times when i needed it; i was making my way towards becoming part of the on-site bargaining team, but, life took me in other directions. i'm glad i did the work, and i'm still in contact with a few of my former students, but i'm also glad i'm not doing it anymore.