I don't mean to offend or delegitimize anyone who uses or prefers the term. I think anything that makes people feel comfortable or empowered or supported is good. It's just that this one particular term leaves me with an odd feeling that I haven't been able to resolve on my own and I wanted to reach out to the largest and most supportive trans community I'm apart of.

I guess I am also generally a little weird about language. I don't like to use the b-word and I also find 'pantie' to be sort of gross.

  • CrimsonSage [any]
    3 years ago

    It depends on who is saying it and why. If it is with other trans women it can be a part of trying to recapture a girlhood we never had. If it us cis people, especially men then yes it is pretty weird.

    • bubbalu [they/them]
      3 years ago

      I appreciate it! I really resonated with what you were saying about reclaiming your adolescence. I struggled with similar feelings when my egg cracked at the end of my adolescence about having 'missed' my girlhood and so on. It was an especially big kicker since I had identified with having 'AGP' since about 14 and I would have 'what if' fantasies about digging a little deeper and starting my transition then.

      Also really interested in what you said about reclaiming slurs and other negative words. A few queer friends and I played around with reclaiming the f-word for a while before realizing it just stung too much no matter how playfully or silly we said it. Now I mostly save it for the rare occasions where I need to cuss out cishet men—problematic I know but it just cuts them up to hear it from someone it obviously applies to for some reason haha.

  • breadandcircuses [she/her]
    3 years ago

    i am pretty young, so i am a trans girl who hangs out with cis girls. calling us "women" feels weird